Ultimate Hero - Demonslayer9100 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

As Damien's foot smashed into a building, after Emily dodged out of the way of his kick, the whole block of the mock city got blown apart by the blast. Golden lightning had generated on his body, making him look like some kind of demigod, his hair whipping wildly and looking like it was being blasted backwards and slightly up by wind. His eyes had become a solid mass of golden energy. As Emily looked up at him, she realised she'd finally found someone who could fight on her level.

“Rose, did you tell him to say that?” Liam sighed as he watched the control room monitors.

“Of f*cking course I did!” Rose responded in her usual bubbly tone.

“That guy's strength is f*cking ridiculous!” The tall, silver-haired girl gasped, her light brown eyes sparkling with awe.

“Jennifer, we both know you just want to fight him.” Mizuki responded, laughing.

“No sh*t! Look at him! He's a perfect opponent!”
Jennifer Tetsutetsu
Hair Colour: Silver
Eye Colour: Light Brown
Height: 5ft 6in
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Lesbian
Quirk: Tungsten - Jennifer's Quirk enables her to turn her skin, body, hair, organs, and everything else into Tungsten. It's similar to Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu from Class 1-B's quirk, except a sh*t ton stronger. She can also choose to have her whole hair become a joint bit of metal, or each strand stay individual but go metal, so she commonly uses her hair as a weapon or a shield. She can also isolate parts of her to become metal and others to stay normal.
Hero Costume: A sleeveless, black, skin-tight bodysuit, black leather boots, black leather gloves, and a black utility belt

Suddenly, the clouds above started pouring rain down, lightning and thunder creating an intense backdrop as Damien appeared to power up more. As he walked forwards the ground melted under his feet as the electricity ripped through the ground of the mock city Damien and Emily were fighting in. Damien stomped the ground, and a shard of road the size of a shortsword shot upwards into Damien's right hand. He spun it, so it was pointing backwards, and dashed towards Emily in speeds faster than the blink of an eye, and smashed the piece of debris straight into Emily's jaw, which, based on the thunder-like sound, broke off her skull. She uppercut her own jaw, and it instantaneously healed. Her look of shock was replaced with a look of rage. She attempted to punch Damien, who sidestepped at what seemed like teleportation speed. His smile grew, and he roundhouse-kicked Emily straight into a skyscraper. He laughed.

“He's pushing his body too far.” Rose said, her tone fearful, staring at the screens in the control room with fear in her eyes.
Damien's skin started cracking, golden energy lighting up the wounds.


Damien unsheathed his katana, and the golden blade reflected the light like a sunrise, the golden dragon head at the base of the hilt making the katana look as ferocious as Damien, and the long, Asian-style dragon etched into the blade on each side being even more visible thanks to the reflection of the sunlight.

“YOU NEED TO USE A WEAPON?! YOU'RE A BETA MALE BITCH!” Emily screamed back at him.

Damien got into a pre-dash position, holding his sword pointing backwards. He suddenly launched forwards at hypersonic speeds, and sliced Emily's right arm off her body directly at the shoulder. Her arm healed almost straight away.

“NOPE! I JUST LIKE TO USE WEAPONS!” Damien shouted back.

Damien stomped the ground so hard that the buildings in the mock city for two blocks got disintegrated, and a large crater shot outwards from where his foot impacted the ground. He then dashed over to Emily, and kicked so hard that her back snapped in two. She healed nearly instantly, and attempted to punch Damien in the face. And got punched so hard in the ribs that she got launched 2 miles out of the mock city. Damien laughed a bit, and then collapsed, his body falling so hard that the rest of the mock city got blown up.
The control room was silent. Everyone except Lee, Rose, Liam and Jessica were shocked, and their jaws were practically hitting the floor. Jessica broke the silence.

“It was pretty f*cking obvious he was powerful.” She snapped.

“But he was so kind. I thought his Quirk was going to be making people happy or something.” Mizuki responded.

“And that's why, Students, you never underestimate or judge someone based on appearance. A villain could look and act like a twink, but he's actually a cannibal rapist. Genuinely a person I had to ‘deal with’ once.” Lee said monotonically.

“Wait, did he rape cannibals or was he a rapist who was also a cannibal?” Rose asked, in a genuinely confused tone.

“Well it's obviously the latter, you stupid bitch.” Jessica snapped.

“How about you treat her with respect, you stupid, moronic, bitchy, pathetic, rude, disrespectful-” Lycan started to say. Damien luckily entered the room before he could call Jessica a c*nt.

“Hello! I have arrived!” Damien said enthusiastically, his smile radiating joy.

“Shouldn't you be in medical?” Jennifer asked in an impressed tone.

“My body is medical.” Damien said, his tone as badass as possible. That's when everyone noticed his injuries had disappeared.

“Why'd you come back? It's winner stays on bitch.” Lee said, smiling.
Jennifer, now in her Tungsten form, managed to deflect the kunai that almost smashed straight through her eye.


As Damien dashed, Jessica kicked him in the balls.

“HOPE YOU DON'T WANT KIDS f*ckER!” She shouted happily, her Tungsten body reflecting the sunlight, and covered in a layer of rain. The storm had now calmed down, and was now just light rain.

Damien whipped round to face her, and headbutted Jennifer with the force of a meteor, and she got sent flying ten city blocks backwards. He stuck his fist into the air, and the debris around him started spinning around him like a tornado.

“ULTIMATE MOVE: TORNADO OF STRONG IMPACT!” He whipped his arm towards Jennifer, and the debris flew at her and smashed into her, disintegrating as it collided with her skin. She tried to run at Damien, but he crane-kicked her so hard she got sent flying out of the mock city.
“I've never had a student that's done that, Damien. You're the first student I've had who was truly unbeatable. I thought you'd go easy on Rose and Liam, considering they're your friends. Guess that extracurricular training you've done for years and years paid off.” Lee said, his tone showing how impressed he was. Rose was glaring at Damien as her ribs were being healed.

Suddenly, an alarm rang out.

“That's the riot alarm, isn't it? Are we getting deployed?!” Damien shouted enthusiastically.

“Doctor Pureheart, you almost done healing everyone?” Lee asked Rose's father, the London Institute healer/doctor.

“Almost.” Rose's dad, Miles, responded as he pushed his glasses up.

“Damien. Jennifer. Ayakura. Viper. Lycan. Emily. You're coming with me. The rest of you, do exactly as Doctor Pureheart here says.” Lee said in a serious tone. He looked at his phone. “Society of Evil members are causing havoc outside the Houses of Parliament. Guess I'll have to teach you all about killing being necessary earlier than I hoped.”
Miles Pureheart
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Pale Pink
Height: 5ft 10in
Age: 32
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hero Name: Medical Hero - Cleric
Quirks: Cleric, Emotion Detection - Miles’ first Quirk gives him the ability to heal or even revive people, making him a valuable asset to people around him, but also puts him in a risky position when it comes to villains like All for One or the Society of Evil. His second Quirk enables him to detect what someone is feeling, and also enables him to toggle the ability to sense emotions in a 1/4 mile radius.
Hero Costume: White and Gold Cleric-style robes, Steel Gauntlets, White and Gold Hooded Cloak

As Damien decapitated the five SoE members around him, Ayakura got Light Flame to melt ten rioters whilst she looked away, Lycan ate a guy whole, Viper smashed someone's head in with a sledgehammer, Jennifer punched someone in the chest and ripped their heart out, and Emily bisected someone at the hip, Lee realised that maybe his students were mentally f*cked up, the opposite of what he'd thought earlier that day. He realised these six were absolutely not fit for Japan's Hero Laws. And that he should've picked the Spanish kid after all. He probably wasn't a psycho. However, he had thought that about Damien. Who was ripping and tearing like the Doomslayer. And causing an absolute sh*t ton of paperwork for Lee.

“COME ON YOU WANKERS!” Damien screamed at the hesitant rioters, the lightning around his body becoming more erratic and wild. Someone charged at him, and got their head punched off and sent at least half a mile away. Damien laughed. “GUESS HE GOT AHEAD OF HIMSELF!”

As the riot raged on, so did the students. They sent the rioters to the Grim Reaper at speeds Damien could run at. Raging on like an unstoppable force. An immovable object. A furious, destructive hurricane. Gods of War. Symbols of Victory. Machines of Mass Destruction. True Heroes… Well, in the eyes of the UK government and civilians.
“Do you realise how much paperwork I have to do because of your f*cking quips, Damien?” Lee shouted angrily, as Damien was walking far ahead. He turned to the other deployed students. “I need to go talk to The Director. All of you go back to class.” A black taxi pulled up to the side of the road, and Lee got in.

Damien was far ahead, on the phone to someone and keeping his voice quiet.

“I wonder who he's talking to.” Lycan said to the group.

Emily looked over at Lycan, and had previously been looking towards the rooftops.


“I said I wonder who Damien's on the phone to.”

“Sorry, my mind was wandering.” Emily sighed.

Ten men dressed in simple streetwear stepped in front of the group.

“Hello kiddies.” One said, in a psychotic clown like voice, pulling a switchblade out of his coat. Damien had already turned a corner, so the group was badly outnumbered. They didn't know what Quirks this group had, and as they'd seen in the riot, Damien was pretty much an easy way to make being outnumbered a problem of the past. The group noticed the man who'd spoke’s eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like a substance user.

“Come with us, kids. Akikazu Shinso pays nicely for young girls.” A second said, pulling out a tanto.

“I thought we were getting them for their Quirks, for the big guy. That's f*cking disgusting.” A third said in a pissed off tone.

“Dude, look at those four girls. He'll pay us tons. And you need money for those pills to keep your Quirk under control, don't you?” A fourth said, taking a sledgehammer out from his coat.

“Sorry to interrupt this disgusting conversation, but I thought Akikazu was a f*cking bent c*nt. Surely he wants the boys?” A rough, deep voice said from the same alleyway the men had come from. Previously mentioned men were suddenly covered in a powder, which was trailing towards a large hand, and a tall man.

“Oh fu-” A fifth member of the group said. Before they were all aflame and screaming.

“BUUUURRRRRNNNNN!” The deep voice yelled.

“HOLY sh*t, AC?!” Lycan shouted.

The man stepped out of the alleyway. He had red and orange hair, and was wearing a red spandex bodysuit with an orange fire design, a red and orange utility belt, and red leather military boots, and was an absolute giant, with huge muscles and a height of 7ft 10in.

“May the fire of justice burn away that which enrages me!” AC-130 screamed at the burning gang.
Dante Blaze
Hair Colour: Red and Orange
Eye Colour: Red and Orange
Height: 7ft 10in
Age: 21
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Straight
Hero Name: Napalm Hero - AC-130
Quirk: Napalm - Dante is able to dispense Napalm gas or Napalm powder and control it. As long as it's still in contact with his body, he can ignite it and cause it to explode/catch on fire.
Hero Costume: Red Spandex Bodysuit with an Orange Fire Design, Red and Orange Utility Belt, Red Leather Military Boots

“Well, that confirms Akikazu is still alive, and hasn't been killed by someone who disagrees with his… views. Don't tell Foxtrot yet. After what happened to his mentor, it wouldn't be wise to inform him about Akikazu’s status.” The Director responded calmly, after AC-130 explained what had happened.

“He probably already knows.” AC-130 responded, bowing as he did.

“It's never a bad idea to take precautions, Dante.” The Director stated as he sipped from a glass of wine, using his free hand to tuck his long, white hair behind his ears.

“You saw the reports of that riot. That kid…”

“Well, I'm glad he found an heir.” The Director sighed happily.

“How do you know it's not a coincidence?” AC-130 said worriedly. “Foxtrot’s been quiet lately. What if…”

“He's fine. That kid is proof that he's just on vacation or something. I know you've found an heir too. That young boy shares a lot of traits with you.”

“How did you know?”

“I may not have been active for 5 years, Dante, but that doesn't mean I'm any less powerful and wise than I was back then.”

AC-130 went to leave, but then turned, and his expression grew more worried.

“What if Miyamoto Shigaraki is still alive? What if his weak, pathetic brother All for One still haunts Japan?”

“Then this generation will be their downfall. I've heard All Might has found a potential heir. A young boy. Quirkless, like he once was. A bright soul. Apparently, this boy and Damien share some common traits. Analysis skills, a love for Heroes, a ridiculous amount of determination. Have hope, Dante. If Miyamoto is still alive, he'll wish he was dead already once these two have been trained and unlocked their maximum potential.”

“But Damien hasn't had his Awakening yet. Foxtrot had his mere weeks after receiving-”

The Director raised a finger to his lips. When Dante went silent, The Director spoke.

“The boy has Telekinesis. Ultimate Hero cannot be controlled like any other Quirk. At least it's given him the stats increase and the healing, and even given him a Quirk early. Who knows, maybe it'll awaken when he eats another burger or something. That's what happened to you, wasn't it? Having a family dinner and suddenly your brother got portaled to Argentina?”

“It was Mexico.” AC-130 muttered.

“See? The boy might Awaken soon. Foxtrot was at a disadvantage. The voices in his head were too surprising to him, as he had no warning, as his mentor forgot to warn him about them. Foxtrot isn't the norm for this power, he's a singular outlier. An anomaly.”

AC-130 sighed, and remembered something due to the topic of conversation.

“Director, do you ever miss them?”

“Every single day. I'll never forget their sacrifices for bringing us these Quirks. Some days, I wish my Quirk wasn't what it is. They both had Transfer based Quirks. Whilst I got this sh*t.” The Director sighed, and downed the rest of his wine.

“If Miyamoto is still alive, will you-?”

“I'll f*cking kill him.” The Director snapped. He inhaled deeply, and exhaled. “I'd like to be left alone now please, Dante.”

AC-130 bowed, and left the room.
Gabriel [REDACTED] - Goes by the name The Director
Hair Colour: White
Eye Colour: Golden
Height: 6ft 3in
Age: 204
Nationality: Japanese
Sexuality: Straight
Hero Name: Angelic Hero - Archangel
Quirk: Angelic Might - Not much is known about this Quirk. All that's known is that Gabriel can transform into a kaiju-sized, angel-like being, and has near unlimited power.
Outfit: Black Suit
Occupation: Head/Director of London Institute, Director of the UK branch of the HPSC (so technically also the head of state of the UK)

“KILL THE c*nt! HE'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! f*ckING dickhe*d!”

Damien was trying to have a relaxing shower, but from five floors away could hear Lycan's raging. Damien wondered why Lycan was so pissed off about Minecraft. Maybe Lycan didn't like creepers. Ayakura suddenly walked in.

“f*ck! WRONG BATHROOM!” She turned, and ran out of the room.

After Damien finished up in the shower, he walked out, with a towel wrapped tightly around his waist, to see a commotion in the TV area. He made sure the towel was as secure as possible, and walked over to the four sofas facing the TV.

“What's going on?” Damien inquired.

“We're on the news.” Emily stated.

“Is it the intro thing they do for LI students every year, or is it bad news?”

“It's the former. They're showing clips from that riot though.” Emily replied.

“Dude, hashtag Damien Rhythmic is hot is blowing up on Instagram.” Rose squealed.

Liam gagged.


Now it was Damien's turn to gag. He thought a joke might lighten the mood.

“They got the dick size wrong.” Damien joked.

“How's this sh*t legal? Damien, you're only 15.” Liam snapped.

“Are they at least making me look like an adult?”

“Nope… Oh sh*t, Rose. There's some of you.”

“That's genuinely something on my bucket list so YIPPEE!” Rose screamed delightfully.

“I think I've had enough Internet for one day.” Liam said quietly, shutting down his laptop.

“Damien, can we talk?” Ayakura whispered, tapping Damien's shoulder.

Damien followed her to her dorm room, and Rose had a curious expression as they walked off.
“I'm sorry for walking in on you showering.” Ayakura yelled quickly.

“It's fine. Really. Guess we're even now, huh?” Damien laughed lightly.

“AH!” Ayakura screamed, blushing intensely, and then quickly recomposed herself. “I don't know why I brought you in here. I could've apologised out there. You can go now, if you want.” Ayakura sighed.

Damien bowed, smiled at Ayakura, and left the room.

Damien leaped out of his bed like a cat touching tin foil, and landed on his feet. He looked at his door, which he had forgotten to lock, and saw Lycan stood in the doorway.

“HUH?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!” Damien shouted, waking up practically instantly, a shocked expression on his face, and grabbing his Desert Eagle (which he'd received the day before) from his bedside table.

Lycan couldn't stop laughing.

“THE f*ckING JUMP! f*ckING HELL THAT WAS FUNNY! I'M SORRY MATE, BUT THAT WAS SO f*ckING HILARIOUS!” Lycan screamed as he laughed, looking like one of the wolves from the meme with the laughing wolves, with Damien looking like the annoyed one.

“Why you waking me up? We don't start till 10 today, as apparently there's an important meeting this morning. Darwin told me.” Damien sighed, putting a pair of sandals on, and putting on a bathrobe, as it was only 8 in the morning.

“Who the f*ck is Darwin?”

“An AI that makes JARVIS look like a f*cking pre-schooler.” A synthesised male voice echoed from speakers in each corner of the room.

“He's fully in the cloud, so doesn't have the risk of having his source destroyed.” Damien explained, smiling. “However, he mainly resides in my computer-” Damien pointed at a high-tech, top of the line PC on the desk in the corner of the room. “, my phone, my watch, and my goggles.”

“You've made a f*cking truly sentient AI?!” Lycan inquired in a surprised tone.

“He's my Mona Lisa. My Fur Elise. My pièce de resistance. My Bohemian Rhapsody… You understand what I mean? I worked on him from the age of 5, and successfully completed him at 10.” Damien said enthusiastically.

“What the f*ck are you? Because you're definitely not human.” Lycan muttered in awe.

“Is he telling you about Darwin?” Liam inquired as he walked in.

I should've mentioned this before, but Liam’s parents were born and raised in Oxford, and are very, very, very wealthy, and are very upper class. Due to growing up around them and their servants, Liam has an Oxford accent. So what I'm basically saying is: Liam is a posh boy.

“Yep. And I don't think it's rea-”

“I'm a he, you furry prick.” Darwin interrupted.

Now it was Damien's turn to laugh.
As Damien walked down the corridor, wearing his Hero Outfit, he got looks from basically everyone. However, he wasn't focused on that. He was focused on the group of 7 boys surrounding Ayakura. And Damien knew they were assholes, due to their appearances.

“Look at this peasant.” One said spitefully.

“I hate Mutants. Ugly f*cks.” The second said.

“Hey, girl, cat got your tongue? I asked if you're parents are as ug-” Ayakura spat at the third before he could finish speaking.

The boys went to attack Ayakura again. Before Damien got close.

“f*ck off, you wankers, before I put you all in the morgue.” Damien said, the quietness of his voice more terrifying than if he had been shouting angrily.

Damien took a pair of brass knuckles out of his utility belt when the boys didn't back off.

“We're not scared of you!” The ringleader shouted.

“You should be.” Damien calmly responded. One of them charged at Damien, and Damien chopped him in the throat with the tips of his fingers. “I've just forcibly closed your windpipe. I'll open it with my Telekinesis, if you promise to leave Ayakura alone. Or I'll let you suffocate.” Damien said, his voice still quiet, yet as intimidating as someone holding a nuke and threatening to activate it near a nuclear power plant.

The boy raised his hands, and a blast of air went into his throat, opening his windpipe. He got up, a smug look on his face, which got swiftly wiped off when Damien shot him in the knee.

“YOU PSYCHOTIC BASTARD!” The ringleader yelled.

The remaining six assholes ran at Damien, and a brawl proceeded to tear through the corridor. Lots of things got broken, mainly bones and furniture, and when the brawl finally ended, Damien walked away from the bloody, injured dickhe*ds and knelt down near Ayakura, who was clutching her stomach and was lying on the floor curled up. He put his hand on her left shoulder, and moved his hand to her neck to check her pulse wasn't showing any worrying signs.

“What did they do to you?” He asked quietly.

“That guy, the ringleader, kicked me in the stomach and my…” She looked down her body, a worried, yet slightly relieved expression on her face. She wasn't worried about the guys anymore, but Damien's face and hands, which were bloody and wounded.

Damien walked over to the ringleader, and stomped on his groin. The ringleader screamed in pain, and Damien stomped again. And again. And again. And again. And again. He would've kept going until he (Damien) died, but AC-130 tackled him, and dragged him away.

“LET ME f*ckING KILL HIM, YOU STUPID c*nt!” Damien thrashed, and Lee had to run over and help AC-130 restrain Damien, who continued fighting back, and Minimiser also ran over and had to help hold Damien back.

“Jesus Christ, Lee, you weren't lying. What steroids does this kid take?!” AC-130 joked.

“Minimiser, grab his legs, and be careful he doesn't kick you.” Lee commanded quickly, and worriedly.

The three men carried Damien away towards The Director's office, and Ayakura got up, a shocked expression on her face.

“What. The. f*ck.” Mizuki said as she approached Ayakura.

“Damn, he's got a very strong fighting and protective spirit. He's like a f*cking paladin…” Jennifer basically whispered in an awe-filled tone.

“Why are there more teachers going that way?!” Harper exclaimed.

Damien ran down the corridor, and roundhouse kicked the ringleader of the people who'd been disrespecting Ayakura, who was being helped to his feet by one of the other bullies. Who got Damien's foot kicking him in the face as well. Damien was then dragged away by seven teachers.
“Most heads of schools would expel people for that.” The Director said calmly. “However, Heroes are around to protect people. And I don't think they'll be messing with young Ayakura anymore, will they?”

“They better not.” Damien snapped.

The Director laughed.

“You can go. Just don't go after those guys anymore. I think they've learned their lesson. And if they haven't, you have my full support and permission to reteach them.” The Director responded calmly.

Damien bowed, a surprised expression on his face, and left the room.

‘Hmm, so that's why you chose him, Foxtrot…’ The Director thought.
“I've just realised. I've seen him on the news before. Pretty sure the headline was something like ‘Rhythmic Brother kills 12 terrorists, only had one injury’.” Harper thought aloud, sat at a table with Lycan, Alan and Miguel. Lycan looked at her with a confused expression. “Just because I'm Japanese doesn't mean I don't read UK news. You guys always have the most interesting sh*t going on.”

Miguel responded, his voice as smooth as silk and sounding like a stereotypical ‘80s movie “Spanish Charmer” character.

“I agree. In Spain we usually have people getting into street brawls or getting high and thinking they're in Assassin's Creed.” Miguel sighed, brushing his white hair out of his face. Miguel was Spanish, and his skin had a perfect tan, his grey eyes filled with the warmness of an active supervolcano. He continued to eat the seafood paella in front of him.

“How's that not interesting?!” Lycan exclaimed.

“Not as interesting as a teen with a very recently manifested Quirk killing 12 armed terrorists.” Miguel laughed. He looked at Lycan knowledgeably. “Or the Internet going wild about a court case because an anthropomorphic jackal thought an anthropomorphic hyena was wearing a Nazi uniform, whilst his anthropomorphic wolf son had to drag him away.”

“My dad thought it was a KKK uniform, actually...” Lycan sighed. “But it was Halloween so…”

Harper burst into laughter.

“At least he wasn't hospitalised with a gun handle in his privates due to being unable to get a partner to satisfy his sexual desires.” Miguel said calmly.

Harper went quiet and glared at Miguel heavily, and blushed intensely.

“Miguel, teach me your magic.” Alan whispered in awe. “I have too many fans and I need to shut some of them up sometimes.”

“Wait a f*cking second… YOU'RE THAT ALAN CASSO?!” Lycan practically screamed, a wave of realisation hitting him like an ICBM.

“If you mean the F1 driver and fashion master, then yes, I am.” Alan responded quietly.

“Teach me how to make jeans this stretchy. Yours are the only ones I can use with my Quirk. Mate, you're a legend.”

“Wait, Alan, what company do you drive for again?” Miguel inquired.

“Mechanus. It's not just thanks to me being behind the wheel that helps us win. My pit crew is phenomenal. Once I got behind the wheel, we finally kicked Red Bull off their f*cking pedestal.”

“Nani the f*ck?!” Harper exclaimed.

“Ah, Japan hasn't yet lowered the driving age, have they?” Alan responded.

“They did a few months ago, but I'm just surprised they let a teenager drive an F1 car.” Harper responded quietly, still embarrassed and flustered from Miguel bringing up an “incident” that had been all over the news when it happened.

“Anyway, talking about reputations, didn't you say earlier, Harper, about Damien killing 12 terrorists?” Miguel inquired.

A student, wearing the uniform of the Business Course, walked past. When he spoke, he had a strong Oxford accent.

“Damien Rhythmic killed 72 members of the terrorist organisation The Creature Rejection Clan, an anti-heteromorph group, in an attack at the Shard, which is used as a mutant refuge, on the 13th of November last year. His Quirks had only manifested about one and a half months before… Sorry, my Quirk allows me to recite things I have read or watched.” The boy recited, and then walked away.

“...CHE CAZZO?!” Alan yelled.

(Translation: “WHAT THE f*ck?!”)

“HE ACTS LIKE A TWINK! WHAT IN THE MOTHERf*ckING sh*t f*ck?!” Harper screamed.

“Santa mierda…” Miguel said under his breath.

(Translation: “Holy sh*t…”)

“Now I remember why I recognised him…” Lycan muttered quietly.

“You guys look like you've seen ghosts.” Jennifer stated, sitting down with a huge steak and a massive portion of chips, and a plate stacked high with seafood, which was all on a tray.

“Yeah. Who died?” Mizuki inquired, smiling, sitting down with an extra large Hawaiin pizza.

“You guys aren't going to f*cking believe this…” Miguel started, his calm composure gone.
On the other side of the cafeteria, Ayakura, Damien, Liam, Shimmer and Rose heard Mizuki and Jennifer scream “WHAT THE f*ck?!” at the top of their voices.

“They sound loud. I wonder what they're like in bed…” Rose muttered lustily as she dug into a carbonara.

“Rose, shut the f*ck up.” Liam sighed.

“Why? Jealous I haven't offered you a BJ or something?” Rose whispered close to Liam’s face.

Damien sighed, having already demolished enough chicken burgers for four families’ dinners.

“I can't believe out of everything I could've got low marks in, it was Firearms Training.”

“I'm surprised they let you near a gun after… earlier.” Rose responded in a teasing tone.

“What was I meant to do? Let it continue? They should be glad I didn't snap their spines like glowsticks.” Damien snapped angrily. Only Ayakura seemed to notice a millisecond flash of red in his irises as he got angry.

“Hey, hey, I was just kidding.” Rose responded quickly, her smile gone.

“Ayakura, if they do anything like that again, tell me, and I'll deal with them.” Damien said, turning to Ayakura, who was sat next to him.

Ayakura became flustered, and couldn't speak.

“Awwwwwww, Damien's got a gir-”

Damien glared heavily at Rose, who stopped speaking.

“Anyway…” Liam sighed, taking a break from eating his Carolina Reaper chicken burger and chilli cheese fries, and looked at Shimmer. “How come you're sat with us, Shimmer? I thought you'd want to sit with Mizuki?”

Shimmer shifted uncomfortably, and just looked down sadly at her plate of chicken nuggets.

“What's wrong?” Damien inquired, his tone worried.

“She doesn't like social situations. She's probably sat with us because, other than Rose, we're quiet and calm.” Ayakura stated quickly, still flustered. Shimmer nodded slightly.

“Ah, well it's a pleasure to have you sat here, Shimmer.” Liam said quietly.

When they continued conversing, Damien and Liam both kept their voices quiet and calm. Rose ended up leaving the table to go talk to Harper, and Ayakura left to go hand an application form to the leader of the archery team.
“Dude, I'm worthless, even after your training.” Liam sighed as he and Damien left their extracurricular rescue training workshop they'd decided to attend that day.

“You're not worthless. Just your stomach is worth half a grand in the US. A pint of blood is just under that. One kidney is about a quarter of a mil’. Your heart is like half of that. And even your coronary artery is worth about 1.5 grand.” Damien stated sarcastically.

“Damien, how the f*ck do you know that?” Liam responded.

“Obviously Tiktok.” Damien replied as if it was common sense to know how much different body parts were worth.

“What the f*ck is your algorithm?” Liam asked rhetorically.

“Lots of martial arts, reddit stories with subway surfers gameplay stuck underneath it… Apparently that's been a trend since the app first became popular. Um, what else? Gun content, weapons content, Hero content, lewd content, animal content… You know, the usual.”

“Did you just f*cking say lewd content?”

“It's because I follow Rose.”

“Ohhhhhhh, that makes sense. I don't often check her account. Same with Insta. Most of her content is… too arousing.”

“Not really. It's just her being happy about what she was born with. Wait, Liam, I've just realised something… Do you like Rose? Not in a friend way, as in I like so and so, but as in do you want to be in an intimate relationship with her?”

Liam blushed slightly.

“To be entirely honest, I can see why our classmates thought you were a twink…
That's what Mizuki and Jennifer screamed about earlier by the way. The Shard Incident.”

“Oh… That.” Damien said in an awkward tone.

“Anyway, changing the subject, any of the girls caught your eye? You seem to be fond of Ayakura…” Liam teased.

“Piss off!” Damien joked.

“Okay, seriously though, do you like her?” Liam inquired, his tone kind.

“It's too early to form an opinion.” Damien sighed.

“Do you think Emily is related to you? Her Quirk is very, very similar to yours. Well, the stats anyway. And she looks like she could be related to you.” Liam said, completely changing the topic to get rid of Damien's embarrassment.

“It's probably just a coincide-”

Damien was interrupted by his phone notification sound. He checked his phone, and his facial expression showed he was concerned.

“What's wrong?” Liam inquired.

“I need to go. Make an excuse for me. I'll be back later, but not until after curfew. Cover for me, please. It's urgent.” Damien stated quickly, and he superspeeded towards the city centre at about Mach 5 before Liam could protest.
“Hey kiddo!” Foxtrot exclaimed, holding his hand up for Damien to high five. Damien was suited up in his Hero Outfit, and looked pissed off. His goggles were on his eyes, and the faceplate was down over his mouth.

“You found them?” Damien snapped.

“Look, kid, I get it. You hate people like this. But don't get pissed off. Or at least don't let Ultimate Hero switch you into your Enraged/Red Form. The last time that happened I had to claim my Quirk malfunctioned.” Foxtrot responded sympathetically.

Foxtrot was a 5ft 10in, 21 year old Hero with light brown hair and dark green eyes. He, like Minimiser and Lee Blademaster, was a London Institute graduate. He was infamous worldwide due to his 50 Quirks. However, people didn't know the truth behind his Quirk. He wore pieces of silver knight's armour, a beige trench coat, a black utility belt, black MMA grappling gloves, black military boots, a black turtleneck, and black cargo trousers. On his face, he wore a white kitsune-based mask, with a long nose, and eyes that were made of black one way mirrors. The mask had red markings, and was a symbol known around the world.


“A warehouse at the docks nearby.”

“Why tonight?”

“A… transaction is happening.”

Damien clenched his fists.

“What's the plan? Stealth or guns blazing?”

“Stealth, up until we get to where the leaders are. Then, guns blazing.”

“Why not just go straight into guns blazing?”

“Because that means there's a higher risk of you going into Red Form. And if that happens, those people will be caught in the danger zone.”

“Don't beat around the bush. You keep saying ‘people’. Don't sugarcoat it, we both know those are young girls down there. And we both know what those f*cking evil gang members are going to do to them. Or at least, what the people they're selling them to will.” Damien snapped.

“Kid, control your anger.” Foxtrot said quickly, as red energy gathered around Damien's fists.

“I'm going to kill all of those bastards.”

Both of them heard a woosh behind them, and two quiet dings as someone landed behind them.

“So, you two are also here.” Raj's immediately identifiable voice stated.

“Raj?” Damien asked in a confused tone.

“Vapour?” Foxtrot inquired.

“How the f*ck do you know him?” Damien inquired.

“Have you not done any research about Indian Hero education? Young kids decide they want to be Heroes. So the government looks at their Quirks, and if they have a desirable power level, they're trained to be assassins. The word ‘Hero’ in India just means government assassin. Me and Vapour here met when I went to Berlin to hunt down a mole in the German branch of the HPSC. Turns out he was sent after the same group I was. He would've been 12 at the time.” Foxtrot responded.

“Nice to see you're still in good health, Mr Foxtrot. However, I'd quite like to hear the story behind your friendship with Damien here.” Raj replied.

“That's confidential.” Damien snapped.

“Ok, I won't interrogate you both. I won't tell anyone you were here, either. I've been sent here as one of those men who wants to buy is a known supporter of the Creature Rejection Clan. Lots of money given to them. So, I'm here to stop the ‘wages’ going through. My secondary objective is to get those young ladies out of there. By any means necessary. I may have left India, but I'm still an Indian assassin. That won't even change when we're in Japan. My allegiance and loyalty must always be with the Indian government.”

“It's good to have your company, Raj.” Foxtrot replied.
Adam Kitsune
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Dark Green
Height: 5ft 10in
Age: 21
Nationality: British-Japanese
Sexuality: Straight
Full Hero Name: 50-Quirked Hero - Foxtrot
Hero Costume: White Kitsune-Based Mask with Red Markings and Eyes made of Black One-way Mirrors, Silver Knight's Armour, Beige Trench Coat, Black MMA Grappling Gloves, Black Utility Belt, Black Military Boots, Black Turtleneck, Black Cargo Trousers
As Damien thrust his kunai into the neck of the man in the truck, Raj and Foxtrot leapt into the rafters. Damien followed once he confirmed the man was dead. The three quickly crept along the metal beams of the warehouse, until they were above the centre, where the transaction was going down.

“So, Mr Wench, you want to buy some of my pretty ladies? Or are you interested in the young men? They make good manual labourers. And, if you want, good… toys.” The large, suit-wearing Russian man said.

Damien, Foxtrot, and Raj exchanged confused looks. Their various pieces of intel had not mentioned males.

“I want 20 women. 5 men. Preferably between the age range of 17-21” The American man, Joseph Wench, responded quickly.

“That's my target.” Raj stated quickly. Before he dropped down and unclicked two golden bangles, attached to two bracelets on his wrist by thin strings, off of his wrists. He whipped the bangles towards one of the American’s bodyguards, and they wrapped around the bodyguard's neck. Raj pulled, and the man was decapitated quickly.

Damien dropped down, and plunged his kunai into the top of the other bodyguard's head. Damien pulled the knife out, and landed on the ground.

Foxtrot decided to just watch until things got bad. And because Damien f*cking terrified him sometimes. And this was one of those times.

“f*ck YOU!” Damien shouted, as a burst of red flames burst from his fingertips. His outfit momentarily became red, and the trench coat became leather, and when the flames disappeared, his outfit was back to normal.

The Russian man was now just a pile of ash.

“Joseph Wench. The Indian government would like you alive, or would like your head. Please make a decision rapidly! Your life depends on it.” Raj stated cheerily, lifting his military-style gas mask up, to show the American his smile. “10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5.” Raj readied his bangles. “4. 3. 2. 1 and a half…”

“OK, OK, OK, I SURRENDER!” The man screamed.

“Oh. I was joking.” Raj whipped the bangles forward, and quickly decapitated the man.

“Raj, go free the prisoners. I'll go deal with the reinforcements outside.” Damien said quickly.

“Try not to wipe out the dinos!” Raj yelled sarcastically as he ran towards the back of the warehouse. Damien walked out the large doors.
“Get back in your cars.” A female voice commanded to the small militia outside the warehouse. The group returned to their vehicles, and the blonde, light blue eyed female threw grenades at the cars, exploding them instantly.

“Aphrodite's Blade. Surprised to see you hear. We don't need the help of a psychopathic maniac.” Damien snapped.

The girl walked out of the shadows. She was wearing a black, armour-like corset (which Damien thought looked a lot like a corset version of the Nightingale armour from Skyrim), a black, long, hooded cloak, black knee-high leather boots, black gloves that went up to her elbows, and a black facemask.

“I assume Foxtrot is here with you.” Aphrodite's Blade responded.

“I assume you're going to f*ck off before I arrest you.”

“Why don't you just arrest me? I'd love you to handcuff me and have your way with me. Who knows, maybe you're a good f*cker. I'd love if you f*cking dominated me…” Aphrodite's Blade responded flirtatiously, laughing.

Damien sighed.

“I have a friend you'd get on well with… Look, there's an Indian assassin in there. I'd recommend getting out of here. And stop flirting with me every time we bump into each other. I'm not interested.”

“Maybe I should show you why you should be interested…”

“I said I'm not interested.”

Suddenly, a tank smashed through the warehouse opposite.


“For fu- Wait, is that a Tiger?! Dude, we'd get tons for turning that in.”

“Is that f*cking Aphrodite's Blade? Why's she trying to take your clothes off?... Oh yeah, forgot she wants you to f*ck her. Oy, girl, piss off. f*cking Minimiser chose you way too quickly.”

“Didn't you choose this guy half an hour after meeting him?”

“Should we just arrest her?”

“Damien, you know why we can't…”

“Just because she's got UH doesn't mean we can just let her go. We both know she's using Shapeshifter. I haven't Awakened yet, so use Erasure on her and we can see who the f*ck she really is. It may be slightly weaker than Eraserhead's, but it's still Erasure. It being 1st Gen doesn't make a difference.”

“I'm going to g-” Aphrodite's Blade went to jump, and got stopped by Damien's grip around her neck.

“You're under arrest for mass murder, terrorism, and more. I don't even know the full charges myself. You have the right to shut the f*ck up.”

“Damien…” Foxtrot warned.

“We're taking her in, along with this tank. She tries to run, I kill her. So what if that means one less UH user? Minimiser can just choose another. It's not like we can only transfer once. It's just tradition that kept the past users from transferring more than once.”

“You're such a puss*. Why not just kill me here? They'll give me the chair anyway.”

“Shut up.” Damien snapped.

“Damien, let her go.”

“Our job is to bring justice to this country. So we're taking her in.”

“She's only been active for 5 years. It's not like that's long enough to-”

“What about the Shard Incident? When she almost killed everyone there? Or when she almost detonated a nuclear weapon near the Houses of Parliament and London Eye? She's a terrorist, not a vigilante.”

“SO ACCIDENTS MAKE ME A f*ckING TERRORIST DO THEY? SO YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS ME!” Aphrodite's Blade screamed. She elbowed Damien in the face, knocking him out, and kicked off of him and launched into the air.

Raj walked out of the warehouse, a group of about 150 people behind him, and stopped.

“What the f*ck happened here?!”
Damien smacked the large gong in the lounge area of the dorms with a sledgehammer. Slowly, everyone entered the room. It was 7:30 AM.

“This is so I don't see any more nude people.” He explained.

“That's a shame. I'd love for you to see my body. And use it...” Harper lustily responded, only wearing black lingerie, which the guys were trying not to look at.

“Damien, why are women obsessed with you?” Tim asked, baffled.

“I was thinking of asking you the same question…” Damien sighed. “Anyone wanna go get some breakfast with me? I'll grab stuff for all of us, but I'll need someone to help me carry it.”

“I'll do it.” Miguel responded, already dressed as he'd been up since 5:00 AM, and had already done a workout and done some reading.
“Good morning, all of you. Today, you will only have Rescue Training. This is what'll happen every Friday, but tomorrow, we are unable to do Rescue Training, so we're doing it today instead. We'll be joined by Bloodhound and Minimiser, as both specialise in Rescue Training. Lancelot, or Mr Blademaster, is unwell, and won't be in for a week, so you'll have me instead. When he returns, you'll have him Monday-Wednesday, and you'll have me on Thursdays and Fridays. Please follow me, as we need to get on a coach for an hour to get to the Search and Rescue Training and Emergency Simulation Compound.” The young, tall, dark-brown-haired female explained.

“Wait, you're 19 year old Pro Hero Survey!” Damien screamed. “I'm a huge fan!”

“Nice to see I have fans. Now, all of you line up and follow me.” Survey laughed.

She was wearing a black, high-tech suit with small, circular ports all over, and a pair of black combat goggles on her forehead (with a retractable black steel faceplate). She had dark brown hair and hazel eyes.
Scarlet Watson
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Height: 6ft
Age: 19
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Pansexual
Full Hero Name: Surveillance Hero - Survey
Quirk: Surveillance, ID - Scarlet's first Quirk enables her to create and place lens-like objects on surfaces, allowing her to look at the place it's recording by either looking through it like it's her own eyesight, or by projecting a holographic screen from her palm. Her second Quirk gives her the ability to see someone's Name, Date of Birth, Age, Height, Weight, Nationality, Occupation, Address, and Quirk (and relevant information) on command.
Hero Costume: Black High-tech Suit with Small Circular Ports All Over, A Pair of Black Combat Goggles with a Retractable Black Steel Faceplate


“Stop struggling! I'm here to help you, you stupid c*nt!” Jessica yelled, trying to lift one of the Rescue Trainers, who were pretending to be victims and civilians. The Rescue Trainer was struggling because Jessica was trying to manhandle him, and trying to drag him with no regard for his health.

Emily was holding up a collapsing building.


Ayakura was scouting in the air, over the Earthquake/City Collapse Zone, to see where “civilians” were, to report down to Emily and Jessica down on the ground.

“I hate thin drops of rain, especially when it's raining this heavily. It makes my suit wet.” Miguel complained.

“I know exactly how you feel… How about you strip that suit off, and I'll take this cowboy outfit off…” Harper moaned.

“Please shut the f*ck up…” Viper sighed.

“Wasn't Kyle meant to inform us where people ar- IS THAT HIM OVER THERE?!” Miguel said, pointing at an unconscious large eagle that looked like it was straight out of Lord of the Rings. The eagle woke up, and walked towards the group.

“Aerial re-cawwwww-n won't be possible. Even if I turn into a plane.” Kyle, still in large eagle form, sighed.

“You're speaking my f*cking language, Kyle.” Harper responded.

“whor*nese? No, I'm speaking English.”

Viper and Miguel started bursting out laughing.

“THAT'S NOT FUNNY!” Harper crossed her arms and frowned.

Just lots of Liam and Lycan screaming “f*ck YEAH!”. That's it. They just stared and shouted at the fiery tornado in the centre of the zone, and were getting glares and confused looks from the Rescue Trainers.
“You guys f*cking sucked. Except Emily, Kyle, Miguel, and Ayakura. They stayed focused. Next lot, you're up. Remember, you're doing a mass training. You six will have to work together. If something goes wrong, we'll get you out of there quickly. If something goes wrong with that, this'll end up becoming a real Rescue Operation. This is one of the most dangerous training areas. Good luck.” Scarlet stated seriously.

Damien, Rose, Raj, Luna, and Tim walked towards the Tsunami Zone.
Damien used his Telekinesis to hold back the large mass of water, as Tim grew speakers on his palms to blast the water back. Rose and Raj were helping get people out of the area, and Luna was using her Quirk to create openings for Rose and Raj to get people out. Toon Force, her Quirk, had allowed her to pull out a sledgehammer.


“Why did I get the maniacs…” Scarlet sighed.
“Why's AC-130 running towards us?!” Rose screamed.

“It's a test. Most villains use disasters as opportunities to kill Heroes. I've got this. Tim, can you handle the water?” Damien said, getting into battle mode instantly. Tim nodded, and Damien threw his trench coat off.

As AC-130 attempted to blast Napalm at Damien, Damien threw water at him with his Telekinesis. AC-130’s Napalm blast was pushed away, and Damien kicked him in the ribs, and AC-130 ended up flying straight through the door he came through.

Damien put his trench coat back on, and helped Tim to redirect the water away from the fake city.
“AC, what happened?! He kicked your ass like you were a common, untrained, Quirkless thug...” Scarlet sighed in awe. “If he can easily dispatch you like that now, imagine what he'll be like as an adult…”

“He'll have to control his strength more or he'll rack up too heavy of a killcount.”

Damien was trying to dry his clothes by telekinetically holding them near Liam (except his underwear - he at least had the decency to keep that on, and it was dry anyway), who had low flames coming off of his arms, and who had removed his trench coat so that he could help the group get dry and warm up.

And most of the girls in the class (and Alan) were staring at Damien's uncovered, demigod-like body. And Damien was oblivious to this fact.
As Damien walked home, he heard a crowd scream. At Mach 5, he zoomed to where the sound was, and saw a gang of villains. One, a male, had an eagle mutation Quirk, one, a female, was summoning daggers, one, a male, was huge and buff, and the last one, a female, was messing with nearby electronics. Damien sighed, stretched, and ran towards the huge one, and kicked him half a mile backwards.

I'd just like to mention that Damien was listening to music at this current point in time. The song that happened to be playing? Sexy and I Know It. And Damien was only wearing his trousers, underwear, and boots as nothing else had managed to dry.

Damien rolled his shoulders back, and right hooked the electronics-manipulating one. She went flying sideways, and smashed through the side of a truck. Damien ducked as the huge one tried to jump and tackle him. Damien responded by axe kicking the spot where the spine and pelvis would've connected. Which ended up paralysing the man. Damien dodged a dagger that almost got him in the eye, and he grabbed it with his Telekinesis and launched it at the eagle-man, who got knocked out of the air, and hit the ground so hard he became unconscious. Damien then roundhouse kicked the dagger-summoning female, and then continued to just walk home as if nothing had happened.
Raj closed his eyes, and finished meditating. He stood up, looked at the midnight sky, marking the end of Thursday and the beginning of Friday, and stretched. He pulled his gas mask down onto his face, smiled, and ran towards the skylight about 50 metres in front of him, and dove forwards.

“Oh boy, here I go killing again!”

That was the headline Damien saw on his way to get breakfast. News came out quickly in the UK, and, although he didn't often read the papers, Damien couldn't help but grab one, as he needed to confirm something. He started skim reading… and there it was. The crime lord was found cleanly and laser-accurately decapitated. Damien smiled knowledgeably, and continued walking.
“Morning pardner.” Harper greeted Damien as he arrived. Harper had offered to give Damien and Mizuki firearms lessons on Saturdays, and so had found a shooting range nearby, and had made sure they'd have the place to themselves.

Damien blindfolded himself with a black strip of fabric.

“You're not serious…” Mizuki groaned.

Damien breathed in deeply, and started firing rapidly. When he removed his blindfold…

“How'd you get low grades in Firearms Training?! I mean, your stance was sh*t, but your aim is accurate to the atom.” Harper gasped in awe.
“Morning, Damien. Would you like to come with me on a walk to grab some food from this Spanish place nearby? It's one of the only ones that does the cuisine of my culture properly.” Miguel asked Damien, who was standing near the fridge in the kitchen area of the dorm building, downing a two litre bottle of apple juice.

“Of course, Miguel. I'd love to. I assume we're grabbing it and bringing stuff back for everyone? I can pay if you need me to.”

“Ah, don't worry about that. I could buy the place if I want to.” Miguel laughed.

“Wait, Miguel, correct me if I'm wrong, but your surname is Intellectua, isn't it? As in, the Intellectua Conglomerate, Mechanus Industries’ biggest competitor. I believe you guys also compete heavily with the Yaoyorozu Corporation. I occasionally get scrap metal and stuff from them. They sell it pretty cheap.”

“Indeed. I'm surprised Mechanus Industries gets on with us considering the Intellectua Conglomerate is their biggest competitor. However, my father, Diego Intellectua, and Viper's father, Yen Mechanus, are on good terms. They often help each other out. Our grandfathers f*cking hate each other though. Every Christmas, our two families meet up for a big get-together, and last year, my grandfather pulled his rapier out against Viper's grandfather, who had decided to create a minigun. My father and her father had to intervene. I love those get-togethers, if I'm being entirely honest. Anyway, shall we get going?”
“Aren't Churros a dessert?” Damien asked Miguel.

“They can be both breakfast and dessert. Besides, we are living with Americans. We have to get them some overly sweet things. Have you ever tried tortilla de patatas? Or empanadas? Or pan de leche? I think we should just have a large meal of everything I think you'll all like. And tomorrow, we can have a feast!” Miguel seemed to be getting more and more enthusiastic every second, and Damien smiled, laughed, and nodded in response.
“God, you eat a lot, don't you partner?” Harper asked in shock, staring at Damien who was probably eating five times his own body weight (which is also why he'd offered to pay). Damien swallowed.

“I need tons of energy for training days,as my Quirk uses a lot of energy. I normally don't eat this much, but for some reason I've woken up feeling like I hibernated and haven't eaten for years.” Damien responded.

“Oh yeah. Does anyone know what today's training is? Miss Watson made it sound intimidating when she told us on Friday.” Ayakura spoke up.

“As long as it's not water again, I'm completely fine with whatever it is. I had to dry out my speakers for ages before I could retract them back into my hands on Friday. Well, make them disappear from my palms.” Tim sighed.

“I had to make new clothes with my Quirk. They could've told us to bring spare clothes.” Viper groaned.

“Shoulda showed off what you got…” Harper sighed in ecstasy.

“I had to spend ages at the laundrette drying my suit off. It's not waterproof, for f*ck sake. They should've told me I needed a coat.” Miguel added to the conversation.

“You lot should've considered weather conditions when coming up with your Hero Outfits. Do you think villains are going to go ‘we're going to attack in the middle of a storm. Make sure to bring a coat.’? Like, obviously not.” Raj stated.

“Tim, you said as long as it's not water, right? What about if it's sandstorm-based, or just involves sand in general?” Kyle questioned, clearly holding back laughter.

“Then I'll be even more pissed off. I f*cking hate sand. The thin particles get stuck in my speakers, and it's coarse, rough, irritating, and it scrapes and wounds my f*cking dick. Not to mention how it literally gets everywhere. Wash my co*ck in the shower, f*cking sand. Wash my feet, sand. Wash my hair, now there's sand in my eyes. Like, if there's a God, why the f*ck did he create sand?” Tim would've continued complaining about sand, but the class were laughing their asses off, especially Damien and Kyle. “Oh for f*ck sake Kyle.”

“As a girl with large assets, I completely get it, Tim.” Rose responded.

“Oh, so nobody has an issue when she says sexual stuff?!” Harper protested.

“That's not overly sexual though. And as you've seen, literally everyone does. She just doesn't do it as frequently and doesn't make it her whole personality. And her saying that was relevant to the conversation.” Lycan growled, his tone showing he had not slept well.

“I think the training is going to be about Ultimate Moves.” Miguel stated, changing the topic.

“They want to get us into internships and fieldwork ASAP, so I'd assume it'd be related to that.” Damien responded.

“To be more specific on your point, if your assumption is correct, I think it'll either be about how to handle the social aspect, or how to handle standard operations.” Miguel replied.

“Or maybe it'll be combat training?” Mizuki suggested.

“Or maybe it'll be training for how to shut the f*ck up since you all need it so badly!” Jessica snapped.

“You're all bark, no bite, Jessica Carnage.” Alan sighed.

“You want to f*cking die?” Jessica snapped.

“Do your worst, you feral bitch.” Alan responded calmly, clearly exhausted.

Jessica went to punch Alan in the face, and was stopped by Emily grabbing her fist and smashing her head down to the table, holding Jessica's arm behind her back, in the blink of an eye.

“How f*cking dare you! Who do you think you are?! You act so big and tough, yet those who are truly strong protect people, not start fights. Why the f*ck are you even trying to become a Hero if you're like this, you stupid bitch?!” Emily shouted angrily.

Everyone went silent. Emily pulled Jessica up, and shoved her out of the room, and followed her out. Everyone heard a loud thud and the sound of someone being punched hard in the ribs, and Emily walked back in. A quiet sob echoed from the hallway, and the sound of the front doors opening and being slammed shut followed.

“Emily, didn't you just do exactly what you shouted at her not to?!” Damien snapped angrily.

“She needs to learn her f*cking place and some f*cking manners and kindness. If she keeps being a bitch, she'll end up dead.” Emily responded quietly.

Luna was frightened by the punch sounds, and ran and hid under a nearby coffee table, and laid on her side. Damien walked over quietly, and smiled gently. When he spoke, his voice was as gentle and quiet as a small mouse.

“Hey, what's wrong?”

Luna was just going “f*ck” over and over, her voice terrified, rapid and quiet. Damien looked over his shoulder at Rose, a concerned, questioning look on his face. Rose nodded, knowing exactly what Damien wanted to know.

“Luna, would you like to go on a walk? Maybe get some things off your chest?” Damien asked gently.

Luna nodded, and Damien reached his hand out, and she took it, and he led her outside. When the two left the building, everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

“So we all know exactly what happened to Luna, don't we? I had my suspicions when she said her parents wouldn't allow her to use her Quirk, and the fact she was so quiet, but that was straight up PTSD. And that isn't a guess.” Rose said, breaking the silence. Her voice was unusually broken and upset, and she was crying. Liam hugged her.

“And we both know what Damien is going to do. Remember when that child got pushed off his bike by bullies twice his age, and Damien was two years younger than them, but he actually made them literally sh*t themselves, even though at the time he was Quirkless? I think Luna is going to be just fine from now on.” Liam responded quietly, smoothing Rose's hair like he usually did when she got this upset. “Your dad's a therapist, correct? Do you think he'd be willing to help Luna?” Rose nodded. “Fantastic.”

“Anyone else want some brass knuckles?” Viper asked.

“And don't forget the hammers and pipes for kneecapping.” Raj added, pulling out a hammer from a pocket inside his gi.

“Or the needles and blunt, rusty knives for making them bleed and suffer in their last moments.” Shimmer snapped.

“Oh my stars, she speaks and she's a goddamn torture gremlin.” Lewis exclaimed in a shocked tone, his yellow eyes wide, and his Canadian accent very clear.

“Babe, that might be a step too far…” Mizuki sighed.

“Just a step?!” Bethany exclaimed. “However, I do have a Glock specifically made for Dragon's Breath rounds somewhere. It was my sixth birthday pre-”

“Maybe we should let Damien go alone. He's good at stealth. And he'll probably go alone, at night, anyway.” Liam interjected.
Lewis Volta
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Yellow
Height: 5ft 6in
Nationality: Canadian
Sexuality: Pansexual
Quirk: Charge-Up - Lewis can attract and absorb electricity to himself and use the collected energy to augment his strength and speed. The electricity can also shock Lewis' enemies in hand-to-hand combat. Lewis can't generate the electricity he needs to use his quirk and usually uses tasers and stun guns to use his Quirk.
Hero Costume: Black Spandex Shirt, Black Cargo Trousers, Black Leather Jacket, Black Utility Belt (always has at least three high power tasers strapped to it)

Damien returned, his irises red, and his cheeks glistening with tears.

“I'm f*cking torturing her parents till they scream for Hell to take them.” He snapped.

“Damien, what's wrong?” Ayakura asked, her tone concerned.

“Tell Miss Watson I won't be available today. What I've found out will stop my focus and I'll end up endangering everyone. Luna's with your dad, Rose. I thought he might be able to help.” He turned, and walked up the stairs to the top floor where his room was located.
Jessica was also nowhere to be seen when the class got to the classroom.

“Damien already told me why he and Luna aren't present by email. I assumed Jessica would show up, but…” Scarlet sighed. “At least you guys don't have the looming threat of an empire ruled by some evil, Hitler-esque bastard ruling over most of the world taking up your every thought. Anyway, I don't think anyone wants to hear about my teen years... Today's training is the start of a two week preparation for field work. Due to you guys having a limited time here, we want to get you into field work ASAP. Oh, and Lee will be permanently teaching another first year class, so I'll be your teacher now. This'll be my first teaching job, by the way. I would say don't make it difficult, but…”

Damien and Luna walked in. Both were laughing, and seemed to have completely changed moods.

Liam noticed Ayakura was the most confused. He whispered to her.

“Damien is really good at cheering people up and helping them. He wants to specialise in Rescue missions because he likes and makes it his life goal to help people.”

“But that big of an improvement in Luna's mood is…”

“Welcome to knowing Damien. He's a strange person. Sometimes I don't even think he's human.”

“What the f*ck are two doing in the corner whispering?” Viper inquired.

“What, we're not allowed to talk without it being suspicious? I'm not an actual Incubus, so it's not like I'm trying to lure her into a basem*nt or the middle of the woods.” Liam looked into Viper's eyes charmingly, and she was glaring at him. “Don't give me that look, Miss Mechanus. You might steal my heart.”

Viper blushed, and looked away quickly.

“Damnit, Liam. You're becoming more like Rose every day.” Damien sighed.

“And the problem with that is?” Rose snapped.

“Because Liam isn't really a pervert.”

“Woah, woah. You lot, chill the f*ck out. You're all so hostile.” Scarlet said quickly. She regained her calmness quickly. “Please follow me. We're going to be doing field work training this week and next week, and we have a room set up as an evening talk show room for today. This week, we're going to be mainly focusing on the social aspect of Hero Work, but we'll also be going over the basics. However, you guys probably won't need to pick your names until you go to Japan, since the meaning might change drastically. Damien might want to call himself Nazi Hunter whilst he's here, but then change his Hero Name to something like Twink-Boy when he gets to Japan. And Hero Names aren't easy to change. I apologise for using you as an example, Damien. And for calling you a twink.”

‘How the f*ck does she know I kill Nazis? And why does everyone think I'm a twink?’ Damien thought.

“I told you all it was going to be field work training!” Damien shouted.
“So, Mr Rhythmic, thanks for joining me today.” The blonde, American Business Course student said.

“Glad to be here. And please, call me Damien.”

“So, that attack, pretty big. What was going through your head?”

“I was hoping they were Nazis so I could send some more Nazis to Hades.” Damien responded, smiling.

“Stop!” Scarlet yelled in frustration. She turned to the class. “What did he do wrong this time?” (This was Damien's 23rd go at trying not to say something “wrong”)

“It's pretty obvious…” Liam sighed.

“I feel like that isn't wrong. Many people would agree with that.” Lycan added.

“I agree a hundred times at once to that statement.” Mizuki stated.

“I also agree.” Bethany said.

“I don't necessarily agree with the murder bit, but if a Hero said he wanted to kill Nazis I'd be in his corner.” Lewis agreed.

“You don't agree that Nazis should be slaughtered like pigs?” Alan responded.

“f*cking hell, Lee was actually right. You're all psychos.” Scarlet sighed.

Foxtrot barged into the room.

“I ALSO AGREE WITH THE KID!” He yelled loudly.

“Hey Adam…” Scarlet sighed happily.

“Scarlet, great to see you in good health. The Director asked me to help you out with this lot, take some pressure off of your shoulders. I'm officially your Teaching Assistant.” Foxtrot lifted his mask, his smiling, young, attractive face capturing most of the females’ attention.

“Good. These kids are f*cking psychos.”

“What's wrong with hoping villains are Nazis so that you have the opportunity to kill Nazis?”


“You need a coffee or something? Something to help you chill?” Foxtrot responded calmly.

“No, I'm fine, thanks. There was a riot down the street from my house last night… And they sent AC to deal with them, and the noise kept me up for hours. And then there was an early morning briefing today about this field work training sh*t, so I got like an hour or two of sleep.”

“Sorry to hear that.” Foxtrot, or Adam, responded.

“Let's just get on with this ‘training’.”
“Miss Mechanus, what's your biggest dream?”

“To find a very hot, cute, breedable, submissive, peggable female partner.” Viper responded, clearly joking and clearly about to burst out laughing.

“For f*ck sake…” Scarlet sighed.

“Oh hell no! You definitely can't say that on live TV!” Foxtrot screamed.
“So, Mr Intellectua, what you packing down there?” The brunette, female Business Course student sighed.

“For f*ck sake no!” Minimiser, the teacher for the class of Business Course students present, yelled.

“Guess we've all got pervs in our classes, huh Mini?” Scarlet said as she laughed.
“I bet if you winked everyone near you would end up in the afterlife!”

“IF I WINK EVERYONE WILL DIE?!” Shimmer screamed.



“Why are you so angry?”

“EAT sh*t, YOU c*nt!”

“Guess she's back to normal.” Emily snapped.

“I'm surprised she came back.” Damien added.
“Mr Volta, have you ever lived in the United States of America?”

“No, I'm Canadian and only moved here to the UK about two months ago. I was in Canada from birth before then.”

“Do you have American citizenship?”

“No, I'm Canadian.”

“Have you ever applied for American citizenship?”

“No, I'm Canadian so have no reason to.”

“Have you got an American passport?”

“No, I'm Canadian.”

“Is your ethnicity American?”

“No, I'm White Canadian.”

“Have you ever lived within the US borders, even if only for a month or two?”

“No. The longest I've been there was a one week vacation in New York.”

“Do you consider yourself an American patriot?”


“Okay Mr Smallman!”
“Miss Adamoto-”

“Please, just call me Ayakura.”

“Miss Ayakura, are you confident in battle?”

“I don't like killing, but that seems to be a necessity in this country. I'm glad Light Flame can just do that for me. In combat, yes, I am confident if it doesn't involve murder.”

“What's your biggest strength?”

“People often tell me it's my kindness and compassion.”
“Out of 20 interviews, only one was normal. For some of you, it was your fault. For others, it was your interviewers fault. I'm ashamed.” Scarlet complained.

On the other side of the room, Minimiser was trying to tell a student off for asking whether Rose was still a virgin, and whether she (the Business Course Student) could make her no longer one if she (Rose) still was (Rose responded that she wasn't), and Foxtrot was trying to keep a bag of Tangy Cheese Doritos safe from a group of feral Business students.

“f*ck off you greedy sh*t, I've given you five already!”

By the way, Foxtrot is from Oxford, Scarlet is from Liverpool, and Minimiser is Geordie (from Newcastle). Oh, and AC-130 is from Scotland, specifically Edinburgh.

“What's going on, you f*cking bastards?” AC-130 shouted, strolling through the doors.

“Aren't you meant to be teaching your class?” Foxtrot responded.

“Wait, Dante, why aren't you teaching your class?” Scarlet asked.

“Because they're teaching themselves today.”


“I put them at the top of the London Eye, splitting them into groups of three for the pods, wrecked the electrics, and left them there to figure out how to get down. Upon getting down, they'll find a note, starting a hunt across the entire country to find the end of their journey. So we'll see them in a month, less if they're smart. And I said it was 75% of this term's grade to encourage them to do it.” Dante laughed a booming laugh.

Scarlet looked even more confused.
“How the f*ck do we get down, Peter?”

“Ava, just create one portal here, and look at the ground and make one there. Then do the same for each pod so our classmates can get down.”

“Oh yeah!”
“But isn't one of your students basically just a Portal Gun? From the hit game Portal? I spoke with her yesterday and she seemed really nice!” Bethany exclaimed.

“Oh f*ck I forgot about that!” Dante shouted, before booting out of the door to check the camera footage. The students just about heard him shout “I hope Ava hasn't been to most of the country!”

“Right, Students, our next hour is about how to act during a drug raid. Once we're done explaining it, you'll all follow me to the warehouse we have set up. You'll be in five groups of four. Please decide those groups now. These groups will also be your future groups for any team activities, so choose wisely.”
Here are the groups and what Scarlet and Foxtrot named them.
Group One - Wildcards: Damien, Ayakura, Liam, Luna
Group Two - Technicals: Tim, Bethany, Kyle, Shimmer
Group Three - Barbarians: Lycan, Jessica, Jennifer, Emily
Group Four - Dojo Squad: Raj, Mizuki, Lewis, Rose
Group Five - Arms Dealers’ Wet Dreams: Miguel, Viper, Alan, Harper

“Why are we the only ones with a weird name?” Viper inquired.

“Because I let Foxtrot name you guys, and I also let him name Dojo Squad.” Scarlet sighed.

“But I use a rapier and Intellectua brand revolver, and Alan pulls his weapons out of pictures, and Viper can create guns.” Miguel responded in a confused tone.

“I tried explaining that to him, but he said if you three didn't have Quirks, or wanted a quality weapon, you'd probably go to Arms Dealers.”

“He has a point.” Alan responded.

“I'm offended.” Emily sighed. “I'm not a barbarian.”

“You ripped a guy's head and spine out of his body, and used his spine as a sword in that riot on our first day here.” Lycan responded.

“I'm now even more offended that you think I'm just some brute.” Emily frowned and crossed her arms.

“What does Wildcard mean?” Luna inquired softly.

“It means we're unpredictable, extremely powerful yet unclassifiable, impossible to label when we're in a group, that we have powers that are so out there we can't just be labelled commonly. It also means our battle tactics are as fluid as water, changing to suit our needs in battle.” Liam responded in a tone and way that can only be described as poetic, epic and inspiring.

“What he said. I'm unpredictable and a Wildcard because I have enhanced stats and Telekinesis, so I can attack from anywhere at any time, in any way.” Damien added.

“And Ayakura is a Wildcard because her and Light Flame are two conscious beings who have their own thought processes and attack methods, and their own abilities, so they're mega unpredictable!” Luna cutely responded, her enthusiasm almost child-like, and actual, real sparkles creating an aura around her like an excited cartoon character, and her eyes were actually wide and sparkling.

“Yeah! That's the spirit!” Damien squealed, excited to the maximum he possibly could be at the idea of teaching Luna the ways of analysis.

“Aw, you're all so adorable…” Foxtrot said like a young adult man seeing and talking to a puppy.

“Don't forget that they're psychos.” Scarlet warned.

“Am I the only one noticing she literally looks like an excited Spongebob character?” Alan stated.

“It's part of her Quirk. I noticed, but since it's part of her Quirk, I didn't bring attention to it as it's normal for her.” Damien responded.
“Luna, you and Ayakura will head through the front doors, and burst in. Since you both are basically invincible, it doesn't matter if you guys get injuries. It might hurt, but push through. Since Liam is better for stealth than a frontal assault, and since I'm an expert at stealth, me and Liam will head to the roof, and sneak in, and deal with the sniper-bots in the rafters. Ready everyone?”

“Ready!” Ayakura, Luna, and Liam responded.
“You sure you're up for this, Luna?” Ayakura asked kindly.

Luna nodded.

The two kicked the doors down, and saw nothing except two large crates of “cocaine”.

“They're going to ambush us.” Luna said quickly.

Damien fell from the rafters. Liam fell and smashed into the crates.

“They knew our f*cking plan. And Liam sh*t himself while we were sneaking around.”

“It was a loud fart!”


“Surrender now.” A synthesised voice commanded as a legion of about 50 robots came from the shadows. 50 more came from the shadows in the rafter, and prepped sniper rifles.

“How about nein?” Damien responded in a fake accent, mocking the robots. He whipped his left right arm forward, and a kunai attached to a chain shot out of the bracer in his wrist, and ripped through about 5 robots.

Liam spun his right arm round, fire gathering around it like a mini firenado, and jabbed forwards, and the flames melted the 10 robots that were about to attack him.

Light Flame came out of Ayakura's back, twirled into the air and grew until he almost filled the warehouse, and roared mighty blue flames at the remaining robots, which melted into puddles instantly, and some even became gas, due to the heat of the flames. Unfortunately, Luna was caught in the flames, and she became a pile of ash.

“L-Luna?” Ayakura said quickly, in a worried tone.

Luna suddenly walked through the doors, and pointed at the pile of ash.

“I'd hate to be that guy.”

Damien and Liam started laughing.

“That's f*cking epic!” Damien exclaimed, writing notes quickly in his notebook.

“Light Flame, you can't just incinerate our allies!” Ayakura shouted angrily. Light Flame shrunk to a normal size.

“But Damien said it himself. Everyone here is basically invincible.”

Ayakura crossed her arms, and frowned. She was trying to look intimidating and angry, but Damien couldn't help but think she looked adorable.

“Aw, look how cute you are. My heart must've been incinerated too because it's melting.” Liam joked.

Ayakura blushed, and the other three laughed.
“Mizuki, you're going tooooooooo-”

Mizuki didn't get to hear what Raj was going to say, as she'd slowed down time. She ran into the warehouse, and did a Quicksilver (setting up opponents in dangerous situations so that when time resumed, the opponents would all be dead or injured). She ran back outside, and resumed time, and loud crashes, bangs, and explosions came from inside the warehouse. Mizuki dusted off her hands.

“-cause a distra- What the f*ck was all that noise?”

“Scarlet, why aren't the groups going in number order?”

“Because it makes it more interesting, Adam.”

The Skyrim theme song started blasting loudly (and I mean double the max volume of most phone ringtones) from Foxtrot’s pocket.

“Ah, a phone call. I shall return in a bit.”
“Foxtrot speaking.”

A Japanese voice came from Foxtrot’s phone.

“Hello, young Adam.”

“All Might, how are you?” Foxtrot responded in Japanese.

“I am… fine.”

That's great to hear. Look, AM, I'm kinda busy. I'm a teaching assistant now. Coincidentally I'm a TA for my heir’s class. Look, is this urgent or can we speak later?”

“I've found a young boy to give One for All to.”

“Wait, really? But don't you need it to keep your form and power? Why not wait until you're 70 or 80 to pass it on? The only reason me, Mini and AC didn't need to wait is because we Ultimate Hero users keep UH once we pass it on.”

“The boy is Quirkless, but, like your heir, has this undefeatable fighting spirit. I found him a few months ago, but I've been busy training him so haven't had a chance to call you. And, coincidentally, I'm going to be teaching at UA.”

“Can you even hold your form long enough to teach two Hero classes? Especially if you're passing One for All on?”

“We'll just have to wait and see.”

“All Might, me and AC may be strong, but we're not gods. If All for One and Miyamoto are still alive…”

“This generation will be their downfall if they're still alive.”

“Miyamoto took one of my predecessor’s part of Ultimate Hero. That's why Akikazu was so powerful last time I faced him. Because Miyamoto manipulated it into a villainous version. What if Mini’s theory about the experiments on children was right? What if that's where Slaughterer got his powers from? What if that's why that stupid ‘Blink’ bitch always gets them away before we can imprison or defeat Akikazu and Slaughterer? What if that's where that vigilante got her abilities strengthened by? You know who I'm talking about, right? Nightshade, Deadly Queen of Shadows... Anyway, I'm getting off track. I need to go back to my class. Chat later?”

Foxtrot hung up before All Might could respond.
Damien was sat with Ayakura, Lewis, Mizuki, Emily and Viper in the cafeteria, and had a large plate of steaks, with a tower of onion rings next to them, for his lunch.

“I've been researching Vigilantes lately, don't really know why, but have you heard about Nightshade? Apparently, there's always minimal wounds to people. Slashed throats or decapitation is the most there'll be at her crime scenes. Which is why she's been dubbed Nightshade. Because she kills quickly and she kills with minimal traces. Apparently, she can control and manipulate shadows and sh*t, so her full name is Nightshade, Queen of Shadows. Which breaks Hero naming conventions, as usually the full name of a Hero is an attribute or speciality of the person, and then the word Hero, and then their Hero Name. For example, Size Hero - Minimiser , or Surveillance Hero - Survey, or 50-Quirked Hero - Foxtrot , or Hellfire Hero - Endeavour, or-”

“You really like Heroes, don't you?” Viper interjected.

“Of course I do.” Damien responded.

“Damien, I think you'd get on with my sister, Evie. She's got that same level of interest with witches and witchcraft. Hopefully, she succeeds in the UA Entrance Exam. Would you mind joining me when I call her later? You might have some good advice to give to help her out. Luckily, they're upping the class count for the B class by one at Vlad King's request. Don't know why, but he probably wants an extra student. Maybe he'll do the same for the next few years until he's got a double sized class. Sorry, I'm thinking out loud.” Lewis rambled.

“Sure, Lewis, I'd love to.”

“I wonder how field work will work if we don't choose our Hero names whilst we're here…” Ayakura thought aloud, changing the subject.

“I already know what I'm calling myself. Physique Hero - Apex.” Emily replied.

“Damn, that's f*cking fire.” Damien responded.

“I'm stumped on what to call myself.” Ayakura sighed.

“When we were younger, didn't you use to say ‘Doragongāru’? Japanese for Dragongirl.” Mizuki replied.

“That's too generic.” Ayakura sighed.

“What about Kaiju?” Damien responded.

“I'll add that to my list of ideas.” Ayakura sighed.

“I'm thinking of calling myself Charging Hero - Battery. Because I can charge myself up, and a barrage of attacks is often called a battery, and charge can also mean to attack!” Lewis exclaimed.

“Dude, that's epic!” Damien responded.
“Hey Evie!” Lewis yelled into his phone.

“Brother!” Evie exclaimed. “I'm currently studying one of my many grimoires in preparation for the entrance exam! This one's about necromancy!”


“Lewis, who's he? He sounds easily impressed.”

“That's Damien, a classmate. I thought he'd have some good advice for you. He's top of the class in everything except Firearms Training. Which is unfair. So what if he left the safety off when the gun was in the holster? So what if he didn't aim properly or hold the gun with both hands?! He still got 100% headshots! With 125 rounds! Sorry, but this school doesn't grade well in that class.” Lewis sighed.

Evie laughed cutely.

“Nice to meet you, Mr Rhythmic.”

“How did you know my surname?” Damien asked, actually frightened.

“Divination, Tarot and Telepathy are my specialties!” Evie laughed again. And then proceeded to say Damien's phone number and full address. Damien became as white as a brand new bed sheet.

“Christ, Evie, I haven't seen him terrified even in the news stories I've read about him or footage from his battles!” Lewis reprimanded.

“Oh sh*t, is he really that terrified? Aw, Damien, I'm sorry.” Evie sighed sympathetically.

“Th-That’s ok. It's probably insensitive for me to be afraid of your Quirk.” Damien responded.

“No, no, not at all. Your reaction is normal. Unlike some Catholic’s reactions.” Evie groaned.

“Oh, is it that bad?”

“Most assume I use Occult or Satanic magic. Sometimes, I do use spells that could be considered Satanic, e.g fire-based spells, but only when I need to. I mostly stick to Divination, Voodoo, and Wicca. And what they don't realise is occult just means the unknown or secret, and Occultism just means delving into the unknown or studying what is secret. So Tarot and Palm Reading are occult, for example.”

“You're f*cking awesome!” Damien exclaimed.

On the other side of the phone, Evie blushed.

“Th-Thanks!” Evie replied.

“Aw, I knew they'd get on.” Lewis thought.

“So, advice. The first piece of advice I'm going to give you is…”

Ultimate Hero - Demonslayer9100 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.