Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (2024)

[center][img][/img][size=3][url=]Welcome[/url] | [url=]Artists[/url] | [url=]Guidelines & Ordering[/url] | [url=]Links[/url] | [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center]-----[columns][center][font=Book Antiqua][size=7][color=Mediumorchid]Welcome to Arcanart[/color][/size][/font][size=4][color=indigo][i]You find yourself wandering through a crowded forest of lavender trees (when did you get here?), and before long you notice the softly glowing periwinkle petals swirling around you. The Starwood Strand. The petals gain a mind of their own, quickly circling you and flowing off ahead. You give chase. Unsure of how much time had passed, you find where the petals came to rest -- circling around an oddly new-but-old looking tome. You pick it up and find that it appears to be a catalog of artisans! Would you like to place an order?[/i][/color][/size][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][/columns][center][img][/img][/center][center][img][/img][/center][columns][center][font=Book Antiqua][color=indigo][size=7]Open May 26th - June 1st[/color][/size][/font][size=4][color=mediumorchid]This is Arcane's Art for Fodder thread! Here you can find a variety of Arcane Artists, Writers, and more, who will be accepting levelled dragons in exchange for their craft. All dragons will be exalted this week to aid Arcane's dominance efforts. Continue below to see what we have to offer this week.[/color][/center][/size][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][nextcol][center][font=Book Antiqua][color=indigo][size=6]Who to Contact For...[/size][/color][/font][/center][size=4][color=mediumorchid][b]General:[/b] Nurry[b]Spreadsheet:[/b] Nurry, LavenderAmethyst, QueenAlais[b]Arcane Dom Team:[/b] QueenAlais, Aerii, Neffi[/color][/size][center][size=3][color=indigo][i]Graphics/Coding by Fantastea[/i][/color][/size][/center][/columns][center][img][/img][/center]


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (2)





May 22, 2024 08:49:34

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (3)

Welcome | Artists | | Links | Spreadsheet

Welcome to Arcanart

You find yourself wandering through a crowded forest of lavender trees (when did you get here?), and before long you notice the softly glowing periwinkle petals swirling around you. The Starwood Strand. The petals gain a mind of their own, quickly circling you and flowing off ahead. You give chase. Unsure of how much time had passed, you find where the petals came to rest -- circling around an oddly new-but-old looking tome.

You pick it up and find that it appears to be a catalog of artisans! Would you like to place an order?

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (4)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (5)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (6)

Open May 26th - June 1st

This is Arcane's Art for Fodder thread!
Here you can find a variety of Arcane Artists, Writers, and more, who will be accepting levelled dragons in exchange for their craft. All dragons will be exalted this week to aid Arcane's dominance efforts.

Continue below to see what we have to offer this week.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (7)

Who to Contact For...

General: Nurry
Spreadsheet: Nurry, LavenderAmethyst, QueenAlais
Arcane Dom Team: QueenAlais, Aerii, Neffi

Graphics/Coding by Fantastea

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (8)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (9) nurry
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (10) she/her
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (11) frt+10
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (12) ru/eng
art shop
skin shop
avatar dragon

Last edited on Jun 02, 2024 00:46:01 by Nurry

[center][img][/img][size=3][url=]Welcome[/url] | [url=]Artists[/url] | [url=]Guidelines & Ordering[/url] | [url=]Links[/url] | [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center]-----[columns][center][url=][img][/img]DiRoxy[/url][/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img]Koyako[/url][/center][/columns][columns][center][url=][img][/img]Tirtouga678[/url][/center][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img]MasqD[/url][/center][/columns][center][img][/img][/center][columns][center][emoji=arcane rune size=1][/center][nextcol][center][font=book antiqua][size=6][url=][b]Available receivers can be found on this spreadsheet, as well as the status of your orders.[/b][/url][/font][/size][/center][nextcol][center][emoji=arcane rune size=1][/center][/columns]


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (19)





May 22, 2024 08:49:42

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (20)

Welcome | Artists | | Links | Spreadsheet





Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (25)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (26)

Available receivers can be found on this spreadsheet, as well as the status of your orders.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (27)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (28) nurry
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (29) she/her
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (30) frt+10
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (31) ru/eng
art shop
skin shop
avatar dragon

Last edited on May 25, 2024 23:42:30 by Nurry

[center][img][/img][size=3][url=]Welcome[/url] | [url=]Artists[/url] | [url=]Guidelines & Ordering[/url] | [url=]Links[/url] | [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center]-----[columns][color=indigo][list][*][size=4][color=indigo]This thread is open to [u]All Flights![/u] [*][size=4][color=indigo]All dragons sent [u]will be exalted [b]this week[/b][/u].[list][*][size=4][color=indigo]Unless otherwise stated, we are [u]only accepting levels.[/u][*][size=4][color=indigo]Dragons must be a minimum of [u]level 5[/u].[*][size=4][color=indigo]Please send dragons in a 1-way CR or a [u]2t[/u] Private Auction[/list][*][size=4][color=indigo]Levels are cumulative. For example, three level 5s is 15 levels, five level 5s is 25 levels.[*][size=4][color=indigo]Dragon must be sent by at least 23:00 FRT on the Saturday the push ends. Artists may set different times depending on their schedules/timezones, so check with them before the end of the push.[/list][/color][/size][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][/columns][columns][center][img][/img][/center][nextcol][list][*][size=4][color=indigo]Artists have the right to:[list][*][size=4][color=indigo]Change price/slot numbers/availability.[*][size=4][color=indigo]Refuse an order for any reason.[/list][*][size=4][color=indigo]Artists require payment [u]before[/u] starting work.[*][size=4][color=indigo]If either an artist or customer stops responding while either art or payment is owed, please contact the ArcanArt thread runner or a member of the Arcane Dom Team. [*][size=4][color=indigo]If a customer is unable to complete payment before the end of the push, but they have already paid more than 50%, they can discuss an alternative deadline with the artist. If less than 50% has been paid, it is up to the artist whether they extend a deadline or refund what has been paid (in treasure). [/size][/list][/columns][center][img][/img][img][/img][columns][center][color=indigo][size=4][i]You flip through the book and find an artisan, or few, that catches your eye. As soon as you've decided in your mind that yes, [u]you would like some custom art[/u], a feathered quill and a slip of parchment appear in a poof of spacey ink and starwood petals. The parchment has questions pre-written on it, and two words across the top:[/size][/color][font=Book Antiqua][size=6][color=mediumorchid]Order Form[/size][/font][/i][/color][/center][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][/columns][columns][center][img][/img][/center][nextcol][color=transparent]______[/color][nextcol][center][color=mediumorchid][font=book antiqua][size=6][b]How to Order[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center][color=indigo][size=4][b]1.[/b] Browse through the list of artists in the next post. Check what they offer, the level cost, and if they still have open slots. [b]2.[/b] When you'd like to order, fill out the order form below and post it in this thread. [indent][size=4][color=indigo][b]Note:[/b] Some artists may have their own order form they'd like you to use instead. Please do so if that is the case.[/indent][color=indigo][size=4][b]3.[/b] [u]Wait[/u] for confirmation of your order before sending any dragons. [b]4.[/b] When the artist pings you back and confirms your order, you can then start sending levelled dragons in whichever way the artist prefers (receiver, CR, or PA). [/columns][center][size=4]Please check [url=]THIS SPREADSHEET FOR RECEIVERS[/url] before sending dragons. Thank you![/size][/center][code][center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order![/i][/center][b]Username:[/b][b]Artist:[/b] @ Artist[b]Art Type:[/b][b]Subject:[/b] (link/image of your character)[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist. the artist will confirm.)[b]Notes&Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, etc.)[/code][center][img][/img][/center]


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (38)





May 22, 2024 08:49:48

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (39)

Welcome | Artists | | Links | Spreadsheet

  • This thread is open to All Flights!
  • All dragons sent will be exalted this week.
    • Unless otherwise stated, we are only accepting levels.
    • Dragons must be a minimum of level 5.
    • Please send dragons in a 1-way CR or a 2t Private Auction
  • Levels are cumulative. For example, three level 5s is 15 levels, five level 5s is 25 levels.
  • Dragon must be sent by at least 23:00 FRT on the Saturday the push ends. Artists may set different times depending on their schedules/timezones, so check with them before the end of the push.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (40)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (41)

  • Artists have the right to:
    • Change price/slot numbers/availability.
    • Refuse an order for any reason.
  • Artists require payment before starting work.
  • If either an artist or customer stops responding while either art or payment is owed, please contact the ArcanArt thread runner or a member of the Arcane Dom Team.
  • If a customer is unable to complete payment before the end of the push, but they have already paid more than 50%, they can discuss an alternative deadline with the artist. If less than 50% has been paid, it is up to the artist whether they extend a deadline or refund what has been paid (in treasure).

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (42)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (43)

You flip through the book and find an artisan, or few, that catches your eye. As soon as you've decided in your mind that yes, you would like some custom art, a feathered quill and a slip of parchment appear in a poof of spacey ink and starwood petals. The parchment has questions pre-written on it, and two words across the top:

Order Form

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (44)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (45)


How to Order

1. Browse through the list of artists in the next post. Check what they offer, the level cost, and if they still have open slots.

2. When you'd like to order, fill out the order form below and post it in this thread.

Note: Some artists may have their own order form they'd like you to use instead. Please do so if that is the case.

3. Wait for confirmation of your order before sending any dragons.

4. When the artist pings you back and confirms your order, you can then start sending levelled dragons in whichever way the artist prefers (receiver, CR, or PA).

Please check THIS SPREADSHEET FOR RECEIVERS before sending dragons. Thank you!


[center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order![/i][/center][b]Username:[/b][b]Artist:[/b] @ Artist[b]Art Type:[/b][b]Subject:[/b] (link/image of your character)[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist. the artist will confirm.)[b]Notes&Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, etc.)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (46)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (47) nurry
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (48) she/her
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (49) frt+10
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (50) ru/eng
art shop
skin shop
avatar dragon

Last edited on May 25, 2024 15:08:57 by Nurry

[center][img][/img][size=3][url=]Welcome[/url] | [url=]Artists[/url] | [url=]Guidelines & Ordering[/url] | [url=]Links[/url] | [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center]-----[columns][center][img][/img][/center][nextcol][center][size=6][font=book antiqua][color=mediumorchid]Ah, there's the glitter.[/color][/font][/size][color=indigo][size=4][i]You finish perusing the mysterious tome, and whether you ordered or not, as soon as you close the covers on the book it leaps from your claws, twirling in the air for all but a moment before *POP*! It disappears in a poof of starwood petals, sparkles, and...[u]are those stickers?[/u][/size][/i][/color][color=mediumorchid][size=4]Choose whichever image you'd like from below to put in your signature, clan profile, bios, wherever you like! They will all link back to this thread.[/size][/color][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][/columns][center][img][/img][color=transparent]xxxxx[/color] [img][/img][size=2]Artist: Fantastea[/size][code]Static: [url=][img][/img][/url]Animated: [url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center][center][img][/img][/center][center][size=6][font=book antiqua][color=mediumorchid]Till next time...[/color][/font][/size][/center][columns][center][img][/img][/center][nextcol][center][color=indigo][i][size=4]Once you start to think that maybe you do really ought to be heading back home (not that you have any idea which way to go), you aren't given even a moment to worry about that when an intense gust of wind bursts through from around the trees. It comes seemingly from everywhere at once, surrounding you with stardust and starwood petals. Clenching your eyes shut (mostly to keep the sparkles out, honestly), it feels like a brief moment and an eternity all at once.And then everything is still. And you slowly open your eyes. And you're right back where you were, before you had even started going for a walk. The only difference now is the commission receipt in your claws, and the slight pink shimmer to your scales that you never used to have. (You hope that washes off easily...) [s](It doesn't.)[/s][/size][/i][/color][/center][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][/columns][center][img][/img][size=6][font=book antiqua][color=mediumorchid]Thank you for visiting ArcanArt![/color][/font][/size]~[emoji=arcane rune size=1]~[/center]

May 22, 2024 08:57:34

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (58)

Welcome | Artists | | Links | Spreadsheet

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (59)

Ah, there's the glitter.

You finish perusing the mysterious tome, and whether you ordered or not, as soon as you close the covers on the book it leaps from your claws, twirling in the air for all but a moment before *POP*! It disappears in a poof of starwood petals, sparkles, and...are those stickers?

Choose whichever image you'd like from below to put in your signature, clan profile, bios, wherever you like! They will all link back to this thread.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (60)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (61)xxxxx Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (62)
Artist: Fantastea


Static: [url=][img][/img][/url]Animated: [url=][img][/img][/url]

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (63)

Till next time...

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (64)

Once you start to think that maybe you do really ought to be heading back home (not that you have any idea which way to go), you aren't given even a moment to worry about that when an intense gust of wind bursts through from around the trees. It comes seemingly from everywhere at once, surrounding you with stardust and starwood petals. Clenching your eyes shut (mostly to keep the sparkles out, honestly), it feels like a brief moment and an eternity all at once.

And then everything is still. And you slowly open your eyes.

And you're right back where you were, before you had even started going for a walk.

The only difference now is the commission receipt in your claws, and the slight pink shimmer to your scales that you never used to have. (You hope that washes off easily...)

(It doesn't.)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (65)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (66)

Thank you for visiting ArcanArt!

~Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (67)~

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (68) nurry
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (69) she/her
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (70) frt+10
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (71) ru/eng
art shop
skin shop
avatar dragon

Last edited on May 25, 2024 15:09:10 by Nurry

[columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][size=6][b]ArcanArtist: DiRoxy Shop Open[/size][/b][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][center][pinglist=20493]@pinglist-20493[/center]-----Please send dragons to [b]A RECEIVER[/b]! Thank you!Please click on the thumbnails to see full sized images.[center][img][/img][b][size=5]CLEAN SKETCH[/size][/b][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url]Bust | 100 LevelsHalf Body | 175 LevelsFull Body | 250 LevelsColored Flats | +100 LevelsSimple Background | +50 LevelsAdditional Character | +50% of Levels[quote=Slots][/quote][size=1]More slots are to be added as the queue is cleared.[/size][center][img][/img][b][size=5]FULLY LINED[/size][/b][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=transparent]xxx[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color][nextcol]Bust | 150 LevelsHalf Body | 225 LevelsFull Body | 300 LevelsAdditional Character | +50% of Levels[nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][nextcol]Colored Flats | +100 LevelsShaded Color | +200 LevelsSimple Background | +50 LevelsComplex Background | +150 Levels[/columns][quote=Slots]1. Sm06sm2. [/quote][center][size=1]More slots are to be added as the queue is cleared.[/size][img][/img][b][size=5]PEARLCATCHER ADOPTS[/size][/b]Genes will be simplified. Simple apparel is accepted.[img][/img] [img][/img][/center][columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color][nextcol]Base Price | 50 levelsApparel | 10 levels per piece[/colimns][Quote=Slots]1. 2.[/Quote][center][img][/img][b][size=5]AETHER ADOPTS[/size][/b]Genes will be simplified.[img][/img][/center][columns][color=transparent]xxx[/color][nextcol]Base Price | 50 levelsSponsor a Line Breaking Tert | 100 Levels[/columns][quote=Available Tertiarys][list][*]All non line breaking[*] Sparkle[*] Carnivore[*] Flutter[/list][/quote][Quote=Slots]1. 2.[/Quote][center][img][/img][b][size=5]RANDOMIZED ROBOT ADOPTS[/size][/b][/center]Each robot is customized with your dragon's colors, but the base, pattern, expression, and accessories are randomized!You can sponsor a new pattern or a new accessory, just let me know what you're looking for![list][*]Primary and Secondary colors make the main pattern.[*]Tertiary color will be the accessories.[/list][center][img][/img]Price | 15 levels[quote=Accessories]Top hat, bowtie, head bow, wings, angular shades, round shades, tie, antenna[/quote][/center][Quote=Slots]1. Saskia x102.[/Quote][center][img][/img]-----[columns][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Will Do:[/size][/b][list][*] Mecha[*] Humans[*] Fantasy Races[/list][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Won't Do:[/size][/b][list][*] Anything against ToS[*] [*] [/list][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Notes:[/size][/b][list][*] I will work off descriptions for humanoid characters if you don't have any images available![*] Please be patient with me for full dragons and anthros.I'm not as well-versed in drawing them.[/list][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][size=3][b]Order Form:[/b][quote=Form][center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order with @diroxy![/i][/center][b]My Name:[/b] (you!)[b]Art Type:[/b] (use the name the artist uses for what you'd like to order)[b]Subject:[/b] (who/what you'd like art of. You don't have to include images, but if you don't you must have a link)[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist, to the best of your ability. The artist will confirm.)[b]Notes&Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, not do, etc. Please include expressions and pose ideas if you have any!)[/quote][/center]


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (78)





May 22, 2024 10:09:09

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (79)

ArcanArtist: DiRoxy
Shop Open

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (80)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (81) DiRoxy Foddart Openings

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (82)

@DiRoxy Foddart Openings

Please send dragons to A RECEIVER! Thank you!
Please click on the thumbnails to see full sized images.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (83)CLEAN SKETCH


Bust | 100 Levels
Half Body | 175 Levels
Full Body | 250 Levels

Colored Flats | +100 Levels
Simple Background | +50 Levels
Additional Character | +50% of Levels

Slots wrote:


More slots are to be added as the queue is cleared.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (86)FULLY LINED


xxxBust | 150 Levels
Half Body | 225 Levels
Full Body | 300 Levels
Additional Character | +50% of Levels
xxxColored Flats | +100 Levels
Shaded Color | +200 Levels
Simple Background | +50 Levels
Complex Background | +150 Levels

Slots wrote:

1. Sm06sm

More slots are to be added as the queue is cleared.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (89)PEARLCATCHER ADOPTS

Genes will be simplified. Simple apparel is accepted.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (90) Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (91)

xxxBase Price | 50 levels
Apparel | 10 levels per piece

Slots wrote:


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (92)AETHER ADOPTS

Genes will be simplified.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (93)

xxxBase Price | 50 levels
Sponsor a Line Breaking Tert | 100 Levels

Available Tertiarys wrote:

  • All non line breaking
  • Sparkle
  • Carnivore
  • Flutter

Slots wrote:


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (94)RANDOMIZED ROBOT ADOPTS

Each robot is customized with your dragon's colors, but the base, pattern, expression, and accessories are randomized!
You can sponsor a new pattern or a new accessory, just let me know what you're looking for!
  • Primary and Secondary colors make the main pattern.
  • Tertiary color will be the accessories.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (95)
Price | 15 levels

Accessories wrote:

Top hat, bowtie, head bow, wings, angular shades, round shades, tie, antenna

Slots wrote:

1. Saskia x10

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (96)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (97)Will Do:
  • Mecha
  • Humans
  • Fantasy Races
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (98)Won't Do:
  • Anything against ToS
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (99)Notes:
  • I will work off descriptions for humanoid characters if you don't have any images available!
  • Please be patient with me for full dragons and anthros.I'm not as well-versed in drawing them.
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (100)

Order Form:

Form wrote:

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (101) I'd like to place an ArcanArt order with @diroxy!

My Name: (you!)
Art Type: (use the name the artist uses for what you'd like to order)
Subject: (who/what you'd like art of. You don't have to include images, but if you don't you must have a link)
Cost: (the level cost according to the artist, to the best of your ability. The artist will confirm.)
Notes&Comments: (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, not do, etc. Please include expressions and pose ideas if you have any!)


Xe/Xem | He/Him
+1 FR Time
Exalt and Lore Lair

xxxxStock the Pond
Everbloom UMAs

Last edited on May 26, 2024 20:27:54 by DiRoxy

[columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][size=6][b][color=#d91ad2]ArcanArtist: Koyako Fr+3[/color][/size][/b][nextcol][img][/img][/columns]-----[center][color=#d91ad2][size=5][b]Open[/b]/[s]Closed[/s][/size] Just send me your leveled dragons by PA or CR with a note[img][/img][center][img][/img][b][size=5]PWYW Colored doodles of Dragon Min: 50 Levels [/size] +5 levels for a specific type of doodle+5 levels if you want apparel/skins/accents[url=][img][/img][/url]*click image for more examples[img][/img][center][size=5][b]Doodle SLOTS: Unlimited but 2 per order.[/b][/size][img][/img][center][img][/img][b][size=5]Negative Colored Headshot of Dragon 75 Levels[/size]Primal eyes are an extra 5-10 lvlsAsk about apparel/skins/accents [img][/img][img][/img][center][size=5][b]Negative SLOTS: Unlimited but 2 per order.[/b][/size][img][/img][center][img][/img][b][size=5]ArcanArt Exclusive Adoptable: Rounded Out40 levels[/size]Genes that go out of the lines will cost 10 lvls extra.Apparel prices vary.Ask about skins/accents.[url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img][img][/img]*[url=]Here are all the breeds that are available[/url]*Most breeds available except for auraboa, dusthide, sandsurge, undertide, and wildclaw.[img][/img][center][size=5][b]Adopt SLOTS: Unlimited[/b][/size]Pinglist for reopen?@/RisenWolf @/Deladria @/Zemo @/LadyRenee @/Saskia-----[columns][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Will Do:[/size][/b][list][*] FR Dragons[*] Resizing images[*] Changing lineart colors(headshots)[*] Small symbols in background of negative drawing[/list][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Won't Do:[/size][/b][list][*] Anything outside of FR[/list][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Notes:[/size][/b][/color][list][*] Feel free to ask about Accents/Skins[/list][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][size=3][b]Other Links:[/b][url=]KoiFishPix adopts[/url][url=]Other Fun Work[/url][/center]


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (104)





May 22, 2024 10:37:00

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (105)

ArcanArtist: Koyako

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (106)

Just send me your leveled dragons by PA or CR with a note

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (107)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (108)PWYW Colored doodles of Dragon Min: 50 Levels
+5 levels for a specific type of doodle
+5 levels if you want apparel/skins/accents

*click image for more examples

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (110)

Doodle SLOTS: Unlimited but 2 per order.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (111)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (112)Negative Colored Headshot of Dragon 75 Levels
Primal eyes are an extra 5-10 lvls
Ask about apparel/skins/accents

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (113)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (114)

Negative SLOTS: Unlimited but 2 per order.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (115)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (116)ArcanArt Exclusive Adoptable:
Rounded Out
40 levels

Genes that go out of the lines will cost 10 lvls extra.
Apparel prices vary.
Ask about skins/accents.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (118)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (119)

*Here are all the breeds that are available*
Most breeds available except for auraboa, dusthide, sandsurge, undertide, and wildclaw.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (120)

Adopt SLOTS: Unlimited

Pinglist for reopen?
@/RisenWolf @/Deladria @/Zemo @/LadyRenee @/Saskia

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (121)Will Do:
  • FR Dragons
  • Resizing images
  • Changing lineart colors(headshots)
  • Small symbols in background of negative drawing
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (122)Won't Do:
  • Anything outside of FR
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (123)Notes:
  • Feel free to ask about Accents/Skins
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (124)

Other Links:
KoiFishPix adopts
Other Fun Work

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (126)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (128)

Last edited on May 25, 2024 21:44:07 by Koyako

[columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][size=6][b][color=#d91ad2]ArcanArtist: Tirtouga678[/size][size=5][color=#d91ad2][b]Status: Closed (will put you on a waitlist)[/size][/color][/b][nextcol][img][/img][/columns]-----[color=#d91ad2] Hi there! Thank you for stopping by c: if ordering, please send all levels to [u]me (Tirtouga678)[/u]. [center][img][/img][b][size=5]BUST SKETCH[/size][img][/img][center]Uncoloured | 50 levelsColoured | 150 levels[/center][center][img][/img][b][size=5]CHIBI SKETCH[/size][img][/img][center]Uncoloured | 100 levelsColoured | 200 levels[/center][img][/img]-----[columns][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Will Do:[/size][/b][list][*] Humans/humanoids[*] FR dragons[*] Animals (real or mythical)[/list][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Won't Do:[/size][/b][list][*] Things against FR's TOS[/list][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][b][size=5]Notes:[/size][/b][/color][list][*] Please send payment upon order confirmation! Thanks :D[/list][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][size=3][b]Order Form:[/b][code][center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order![/i][/center][b]Username:[/b][b]Artist:[/b] @Tirtouga678[b]Art Type:[/b][b]Subject:[/b] (link/image of your character)[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist. the artist will confirm.)[b]Notes & Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, etc.)[/code][/center]


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (130)





May 22, 2024 21:53:44

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (131)

ArcanArtist: Tirtouga678

Status: Closed (will put you on a waitlist)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (132)

Hi there! Thank you for stopping by c: if ordering, please send all levels to me (Tirtouga678).

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (133)BUST SKETCH

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (134)

Uncoloured | 50 levels
Coloured | 150 levels

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (135)CHIBI SKETCH

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (136)

Uncoloured | 100 levels
Coloured | 200 levels

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (137)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (138)Will Do:
  • Humans/humanoids
  • FR dragons
  • Animals (real or mythical)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (139)Won't Do:
  • Things against FR's TOS
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (140)Notes:
  • Please send payment upon order confirmation! Thanks :D
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (141)

Order Form:


[center][emoji=arcane rune size=1] [i]I'd like to place an ArcanArt order![/i][/center][b]Username:[/b][b]Artist:[/b] @Tirtouga678[b]Art Type:[/b][b]Subject:[/b] (link/image of your character)[b]Cost:[/b] (the level cost according to the artist. the artist will confirm.)[b]Notes & Comments:[/b] (if there's anything you'd like the artist to know, do, etc.)

Tirtouga | FR +15 | she/her

lore/art shop | art dump | custom designs

Last edited on May 26, 2024 08:14:36 by Tirtouga678

[columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][size=6][b][color=#E75BE8]ArcanArtist: Masq'D [/color][/size][/b][nextcol][img][/img][/columns]-----[center][img][/img][COLOR=TRANSPARENT][img][/im g][img][/img][/color][color=#E75BE8](Fr+2) I'm At Work From FR 3:00 - 17:00 M thru FResponses will be slower.[img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][color=#936CD7][size=5]I have returned from hiatus, and was too lazy to recode this whole thing but, everything is 40 levels /(total)/ as long as I have open slots, fair? IDK yet. I may die.[/size] [size=3]Also maybe ignore the gene thing, they aren't that hard to make. xDUh... spoons are still their normal cost because it is a flat donation.[/size][/color][emoji=pink star size=1][size=4] Please Send All Dragon Payments My Way [emoji=pink star size=1][/size][emoji=cat 3 size=1] After I Have Confirmed Your Order. [emoji=cat 3 size=1][size=5][u]Please Ping Me! I'm Not Subscribed.[/u][/size][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]Available Slots: (Subject To Open/Close Based On Work Load)1) Ema2 {Converse}2) Ema2! {Garden w/ Me}3) OPEN!Fast Lane Available Slots: (Contains No Unlocks)1) OPEN!2) OPEN![color=#E75BE8]Come one, come all, to the Starfall Isle’s very own Sweet Cream cart! From the Crystalspine Reaches to the Observatory, I have gathered only the finest ingredients for a perfectly delectable (and only mildly radioactive) snack. With toppings from even the fearsome Starwood Strand, my confectionary creations are sure to please your taste buds. Satisfaction guaranteed. Survival is not. Are you courageous enough to brave Arcane’s newest attempt at eating? Head onwards![COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color][columns][size=4][color=#E75BE8]Here is a quick peek at our mini menu. Each ice cream scoop is styled after one of Sornieth’s majestic breeds, and each breed is coupled with a matching item carefully selected to best reflect its most outstanding characteristics. You can get a [b]single scoop[/b] with just one dragon, a [b]double scoop[/b] for two dragons – or even try the tastetastic [b]triple scoop[/b]! You are, however, advised against getting three Imperials for the same cup –[/size][color=#E75BE8]Wait, this is Arcane. Never mind. Go for it![nextcol][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~[/color][img][/img][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~[/color][center][b][i][color=#F59CFF]Lore Writing By The Fantastic @[url=][color=#FF99FF]MythicalViper[/url][/i][/b][/columns][img][/img][center][img][/img](Additional Dragon(s) Are Equal To Half The Cost Of The Base!)[img][/img][img][/img][center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]1[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]3[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]4[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]6[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]7[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]8[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]9[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][/columns][/center][img][/img][img][/img][center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]1[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]3[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]4[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]6[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]7[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]8[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]9[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][/columns][/center][img][/img][img][/img][center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]1[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]3[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]4[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]6[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]7[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]8[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]9[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][/columns][/center][img][/img][img][/img][center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1][size=1] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]1[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]2[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]3[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]4[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]6[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]7[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]8[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=7][size=2]9[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][img][/img][/url][/columns][/center][/center][center][size=5][b]New Bases/Styles Are Added Regularly![/b][/size][color=#909090]Ask About My Pinglist For Updates. ^^[/color][/center][left][left][b]† Converse Rule:[/b][LIST] [*]Please Choose A Colour For Yellow Area From FR colours or a Hex Code. [*]Tertiary genes will be treated like decals similar to a real converse. [*][b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7][u]Luna's Bio[/u][/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b] Contains futher reference.[/LIST][/left][/left][img][/img][img][/img][size=5][b][color=#E75BE8]Got An Idea For A New Base? [/b][/size]If You Sponsor A New Base, Add-ons For The Order Are Half Price!(Includes Things Like Apparel, Toppings, Etc.)[img][/img][size=5][b][color=#E75BE8]See A Gene On This List That's Not Available Yet? [/b][/size]If You Sponsor A New Gene Orders For Multiple Dragons Are Accepted At Base Cost!(If your Base Cost is 30; Normal Add A Dragon Makes it [30+15] Price Stays 30.)[img][/img][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][size=5][b][color=#E75BE8]Get A Spoon To Eat You Sweet Cream[/b][/size][i][u][b]All Levels[/b] Recieved From Spoon Purchases[/u] Are Donated To Help Fund Future Arcane Events![/i][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img](Free Item Does Not Have To Match Breed! [s]It's Legacy Art[/s])[img][/img][img][/img][emoji=cat 3 size=1] [size=5][b][u]Garden With Me[/u] ([u]Base[/u])[/b][/size] [emoji=cat 3 size=1][i]Only Available: 2020; 5th Apr - 11th Apr[/i][b][size=4]Cost: +40 Levels[/size][/b][center][columns][color=transparent]~~~~~~~[nextcol][center][color=transparent][i]Colour Placement Exmaple[/i][/color][img][/img][nextcol][center][i]Colour Placement Example[/i][img][/img][/columns][/center][left]Comes With:[list][*]Any Flower From The Flower Crowns. (Free)[*]And Your Choice Of Either Shovel Or Scissors. (Free)[*] If You Want To Have A Different Hand Item(s). (+ Apparel Cost )[/LIST][/left][img][/img][img][/img][b]Gaolers Would Look Good With Hats! [/b][color=#909090]~The trick is convincing them not to bite you when you put it on.~[/color][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][b]Now Offering [u]Non-Temporary[/u] Tattoos![/b][color=#909090]Yesterday I went to a temporary tattoo parlour and got a tattoo. But it wouldn’t wash off this morning, so I went back to complain. But the tattoo parlour wasn’t there.[/color][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][color=#E75BE8][emoji=pink star size=1] [B][size=4]Custom Items/Genes Request:[/size][/B] [emoji=pink star size=1]Designs That Have Been Accepted Will Be Given Their Own Section Under Ancient Genes.These Items Are Bribe; So It's A Within Reason PWYW~ Candy-Gore / Yami-Kawaii / Visual Kei / Lolita Are My Jam! ~[indent][color=#E75BE8]So Kuddos If You're Into That Just Sayin'. ^^[/indent][color=#909090]Required To Send A Reference For Me To Work With. n.n;;[/color][color=#e50099][u]As Always All Requests Must Still Follow Flight Risings, PG-13 Rule.[/u][/color][img][/img][columns][img][/img][color=#E75BE8][img][/img][size=5][color=#E75BE8][b][u]Drizzle[/u][/b][/size]Choose Any 3 Of Flight Risings Colours[Color=transparent]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [img][/img][size=5][color=#E75BE8][b][u]Toppings[/u][/b][/size]Avalible Items Are:[Color=transparent]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][img][/img][color=#E75BE8][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=pink gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=black gem size=1][emoji=pink star size=1][img][/img][size=4][b]Need some help deciding which faces your dragons will make?[/b][/size]I doodled this Lil' thing this morning! [color=#E75BE8]If these aren't to your liking there is also this: [b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7][u]Resource[/u][/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b][img][/img][b]Special Note: [/b]Most of the kaomoji/emoticon faces don't work on FR. D:I provided a link to my arts discord [b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7]"[u]Otherworldly Oddites[/u]"[/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b] for you to send them if you want. (You can literally join send one message and leave lol.)[b][size=4][color=#E75BE8]Ready? Then let me take your order. [/size][/b][COLOR=#9C9C9C](Feel Free To Ask For Pricing Help!)[/color][/center][Quote="Order Form"][left][B]Dragon(s):[/B][B]Spoon[/B] (Random) (Custom) (Holo Glitter)[B]Eye Type For The Cup:[/b][B]Theme Centric Specialty Item:[/B] Garden With Me (Base)[B]Toppings:[/b] (Drizzle) (Item Name)[B]Preferred Apparel Request:[/B] (Link A Dragon Or Scrying/Dressing Room)[B]Kaomoji / Kawaii Emotion:[/B][B]Skins/Accent Request:[/B][B]Custom Items/Genes Request:[/B] (If No Request Type No)[/left][/Quote][center][b][color=#e50099]Everything Below This Line You Don't Have To Read[/b][img][/img][CENTER] [COLOR=#9C9C9C]Dimmed Genes Haven’t Be Unlocked Yet.[/COLOR][CENTER][SIZE=5][B][color=#F59CFF]M[/COLOR][color=#EF9CFF]O[/COLOR][color=#E99CFF]D[/COLOR][color=#E49CFF]E[/COLOR][color=#DE9CFF]R[/COLOR][color=#D89CFF]N[/COLOR] [color=#C9A5FF]G[/COLOR][color=#C0AEFF]E[/COLOR][color=#B7B8FF]N[/COLOR][color=#AEC1FF]E[/COLOR][color=#9CD4FF]S[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][COLUMNS][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~[/COLOR][COLOR=#F59CFF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#F59CFF][B][U]PRIMARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][SIZE=3][COLOR=#F59CFF][COLOR=#9C9C9C]BAR[/COLOR]BASIC[COLOR=#9C9C9C]CHERUB[/color]CLOWN[COLOR=#9C9C9C]CRYSTAL[/color]FADE[COLOR=#9C9C9C]FALCONGIRAFFE[/color]IRIDESCENT[COLOR=#9C9C9C]JAGUARJUPITERLACEDLEOPARDLIONFISHMETALLICPETALSPIEBALD[/COLOR]PINSTRIPE[COLOR=#9C9C9C]POISONPYTHONRIPPLE[/color]SAVANNAH[COLOR=#9C9C9C]SKINKSLIME[/color]SPECKLE[COLOR=#9C9C9C]STARMAPTAPIRTIGER[COLOR=#9C9C9C]VIPERA[/color]WASP[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#F59CFF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[NEXTCOL][COLOR=#D39CFF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#D39CFF][B][U]SECONDARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][SIZE=3][COLOR=#D39CFF][COLOR=#9C9C9C]ALLOY[/COLOR]BASICBEEBLEND[COLOR=#9C9C9C]BUTTERFLYCLOUDED[/color]CONSTELLATION[COLOR=#9C9C9C]CURRENTDAUBEDGED[/COLOR]EYE SPOTS[COLOR=#9C9C9C]FACETFRECKLEHEXHYPNOTICMORPHNOXTIDEPAINTPEREGRINEROSETTE[/COLOR]SAFARISATURN[COLOR=#9C9C9C]SERAPH[/COLOR]SHIMMER[COLOR=#9C9C9C]SLUDGESPINNER[/COLOR]STRIATIONSTRIPES[COLOR=#9C9C9C]TOXIN[/COLOR]TRAIL[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#D39CFF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[NEXTCOL][COLOR=#9CD4FF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#9CD4FF][B][U]TERTIARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][COLOR=#9CD4FF]BASIC[COLOR=#9C9C9C]CAPSULECIRCUIT[/COLOR]CONTOURCRACKLE[COLOR=#9C9C9C]FILIGREE[/COLOR]FIREFLY[COLOR=#9C9C9C]GEMBOND[/COLOR]GHOSTGLIMMER[COLOR=#9C9C9C]LACEOKAPIOPALPEAco*ckRINGLETS[/color]RUNES[COLOR=#9C9C9C]SCALESSMIRCHSMOKE[/COLOR]SPINESSTAINED[COLOR=#9C9C9C]THYLACINE[/COLOR]UNDERBELLYVEINED[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#9CD4FF]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][/COLUMNS][/CENTER]-----[CENTER][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=#F59CFF]A[/COLOR][COLOR=#EF9CFF]N[/COLOR][COLOR=#E99CFF]C[/COLOR][COLOR=#E49CFF]I[/COLOR][COLOR=#DE9CFF]E[/COLOR][COLOR=#D89CFF]N[/COLOR][COLOR=#D39CFF]T[/COLOR][COLOR=#D39CFF] [/COLOR][COLOR=#C8A6FF]G[/COLOR][COLOR=#BEB1FF]E[/COLOR][COLOR=#B3BCFF]N[/COLOR][COLOR=#A9C6FF]E[/COLOR][COLOR=#94DCFF]S[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][COLUMNS][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][COLOR=#F59CFF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#F59CFF][B][U]PRIMARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][SIZE=3][COLOR=#F59CFF][COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) BAR[/COLOR](G/B) BASIC[COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) CANDYCANE(B) CHERUB(B) CHEVRON(G) CRYSTAL(G) FALCON(G) GIRAFFE(G/B) JAGUAR(B) LACED(B) MARBLE(B) METALLIC(G) MOSAIC(B) PETALS(G) PHANTOM(G) PIEBALD[/COLOR](G/B) PINSTRIPE[COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) POISON(B) RAGGED[/COLOR](B) SAVANNAH[COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) SHAGGY(B) SKINK[/COLOR](G) TAPIR(G) TIGER(G) WASP[COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#F59CFF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[NEXTCOL][COLOR=#D39CFF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#D39CFF][B][U]SECONDARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][SIZE=3][COLOR=#D39CFF][COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) ALLOY(B) ARROW[/COLOR](G/B) BASIC(G) BEE[COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) BREAKUP(B) BUTTERFLY(G) DAUB(B) EDGED(G) FACET(G) HEX(B) MOTTLE(G) PAINT(G) PEREGRINE(G/B) ROSETTE[/COLOR](B) SAFARI[COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) SERAPH(B) SPINNER(G) SPIRIT(G) STREAK[/COLOR](G) STRIATION[COLOR=#9C9C9C](G/B) STRIPES(B) SUGARPLUM(B) TEAR(B) TOXIN[/COLOR](G/B) TRAIL[COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#D39CFF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#9CD4FF]|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=#9CD4FF][B][U]TERTIARY[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=3][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][COLOR=#9CD4FF](G/B) BASIC(G) BLOSSOM(B) CONTOUR[COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) CRACKLE(G/B) FANS(B) FILIGREE[/COLOR](G/B) GHOST[COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) GNARLHORNS(B) LACE(G) OPAL(B) PLUMAGE(B) PORCUPINE(G/B) RINGLETS(G) RUNES(G) SCORPION(G) SHARDFLANK(B) SKELETAL(G) SMOKE(B) SQUIGGLE(G) THYLACINE(B) TRIMMINGS[/COLOR](G/B) UNDERBELLY(G) VEINED[COLOR=#9C9C9C](G) WEATHERED[/COLOR](G) WINTERCOAT[COLOR=#9C9C9C](B) WRAITH[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=#94DCFF]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||[/COLOR][NEXTCOL][COLOR=TRANSPARENT]~~~~[/COLOR][/COLUMNS][/CENTER][CENTER][SIZE=5][B][color=#F59CFF]C[/COLOR][color=#EF9CFF]U[/COLOR][color=#E99CFF]S[/COLOR][color=#E49CFF]T[/COLOR][color=#DE9CFF]O[/COLOR][color=#D89CFF]M[/COLOR] [color=#C9A5FF]S[/COLOR][color=#C0AEFF]T[/COLOR][color=#B7B8FF]Y[/COLOR][color=#AEC1FF]L[/COLOR][color=#A5CAFF]E[/COLOR][color=#9CD4FF]S[/COLOR][/b][/size][LIST][*][color=e75be8]Emperor Frame (Only Received When Ordering 3 Imperials): [b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7][u]Here[/u][/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b][*][color=e75be8]Friendship Bracelet: [b][url=][color=#000000]|[/color][color=#936CD7][u]Here[/u][/color][color=#000000]|[/color][/url][/b][/LIST]-----[CENTER][SIZE=4][color=#E75BE8]Will Be Accepted On A Case By Case Basis:[/Size][COLOR=#e50099]| Skin | Accents | Random Patterns |[/CENTER][emoji=pink gem size=1]


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (143)





May 25, 2024 14:57:55

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (144)

ArcanArtist: Masq'D

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (145)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (146)
[img][/im g][/img]Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (147)

(Fr+2) I'm At Work From FR 3:00 - 17:00 M thru F
Responses will be slower.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (148)

I have returned from hiatus, and was too lazy to recode this whole thing but, everything is 40 levels /(total)/ as long as I have open slots, fair? IDK yet. I may die.
Also maybe ignore the gene thing, they aren't that hard to make. xD
Uh... spoons are still their normal cost because it is a flat donation.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (150) Please Send All Dragon Payments My Way Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (151)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (152) After I Have Confirmed Your Order. Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (153)

Please Ping Me! I'm Not Subscribed.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (154)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (155)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (156)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (157)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (158)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (159)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (160)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (161)

Available Slots: (Subject To Open/Close Based On Work Load)
1) Ema2 {Converse}
2) Ema2! {Garden w/ Me}
3) OPEN!

Fast Lane Available Slots: (Contains No Unlocks)
1) OPEN!
2) OPEN!

Come one, come all, to the Starfall Isle’s very own Sweet Cream cart! From the Crystalspine Reaches to the Observatory, I have gathered only the finest ingredients for a perfectly delectable (and only mildly radioactive) snack. With toppings from even the fearsome Starwood Strand, my confectionary creations are sure to please your taste buds. Satisfaction guaranteed. Survival is not.

Are you courageous enough to brave Arcane’s newest attempt at eating?
Head onwards!

Here is a quick peek at our mini menu. Each ice cream scoop is styled after one of Sornieth’s majestic breeds, and each breed is coupled with a matching item carefully selected to best reflect its most outstanding characteristics.
You can get a single scoop with just one dragon, a double scoop for two dragons – or even try the tastetastic triple scoop!
You are, however, advised against getting three Imperials for the same cup –

Wait, this is Arcane. Never mind. Go for it!
~~~~~~Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (162)~~~~~

Lore Writing By The Fantastic @MythicalViper

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (163)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (164)
(Additional Dragon(s) Are Equal To Half The Cost Of The Base!)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (165)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (166)

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (177)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (178)

1 2 3
4 5 6
[url=][ color=#000000]7[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]8[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]9[img][/img][/url]

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (186)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (187)

1 2 3
4 5 [url=][ color=#000000]6[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]7[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]8[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]9[img][/img][/url]

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (194)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (195)

1 2 3 4 [url=][ color=#000000]5[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]6[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]7[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]8[img][/img][/url] [url=][ color=#000000]9[img][/img][/url]

New Bases/Styles Are Added Regularly!
Ask About My Pinglist For Updates. ^^

† Converse Rule:

  • Please Choose A Colour For Yellow Area From FR colours or a Hex Code.
  • Tertiary genes will be treated like decals similar to a real converse.
  • |Luna's Bio| Contains futher reference.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (201)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (202)

Got An Idea For A New Base?
If You Sponsor A New Base, Add-ons For The Order Are Half Price!
(Includes Things Like Apparel, Toppings, Etc.)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (203)

See A Gene On This List That's Not Available Yet?
If You Sponsor A New Gene
Orders For Multiple Dragons Are Accepted At Base Cost!
(If your Base Cost is 30; Normal Add A Dragon Makes it [30+15] Price Stays 30.)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (204)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (205)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (206)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (207)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (208)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (209)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (210)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (211)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (212)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (213)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (214)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (215)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (216)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (217)
Get A Spoon To Eat You Sweet Cream
All Levels Recieved From Spoon Purchases
Are Donated To Help Fund Future Arcane Events!

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (218)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (219)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (220)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (221)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (222)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (223)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (224)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (225)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (226)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (227)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (228)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (229)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (230)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (231)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (232)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (233)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (234)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (235)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (236)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (237)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (238)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (239)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (240)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (241)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (242)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (243)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (244)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (245)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (246)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (247)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (248)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (249)
(Free Item Does Not Have To Match Breed!

It's Legacy Art

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (250)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (251)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (252) Garden With Me (Base) Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (253)
Only Available: 2020; 5th Apr - 11th Apr
Cost: +40 Levels


Colour Placement Exmaple
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (254)

Colour Placement Example
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (255)

Comes With:

  • Any Flower From The Flower Crowns. (Free)
  • And Your Choice Of Either Shovel Or Scissors. (Free)
  • If You Want To Have A Different Hand Item(s). (+ Apparel Cost )

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (256)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (257)
Gaolers Would Look Good With Hats!
~The trick is convincing them not to bite you when you put it on.~

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (258)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (259)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (260)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (261)
Now Offering Non-Temporary Tattoos!
Yesterday I went to a temporary tattoo parlour and got a tattoo.
But it wouldn’t wash off this morning, so I went back to complain.
But the tattoo parlour wasn’t there.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (262)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (263)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (264)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (265)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (266)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (267) Custom Items/Genes Request: Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (268)
Designs That Have Been Accepted Will Be Given
Their Own Section Under Ancient Genes.

These Items Are Bribe; So It's A Within Reason PWYW
~ Candy-Gore / Yami-Kawaii / Visual Kei / Lolita Are My Jam! ~

So Kuddos If You're Into That Just Sayin'. ^^

Required To Send A Reference For Me To Work With. n.n;;
As Always All Requests Must Still Follow Flight Risings, PG-13 Rule.

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (269)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (270)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (271)
Choose Any 3 Of Flight Risings Colours

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (272)
Avalible Items Are:

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (273)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (274)

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (275)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (276)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (277)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (278)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (279)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (280)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (281)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (282)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (283)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (284)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (285)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (286)Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (287)
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (288)

Need some help deciding which faces your dragons will make?
I doodled this Lil' thing this morning!
If these aren't to your liking there is also this: |Resource|
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (289)
Special Note:
Most of the kaomoji/emoticon faces don't work on FR. D:
I provided a link to my arts discord |"Otherworldly Oddites"| for you to send them if you want. (You can literally join send one message and leave lol.)

Ready? Then let me take your order.
(Feel Free To Ask For Pricing Help!)

Order Form wrote:

Spoon (Random) (Custom) (Holo Glitter)
Eye Type For The Cup:
Theme Centric Specialty Item: Garden With Me (Base)
Toppings: (Drizzle) (Item Name)
Preferred Apparel Request: (Link A Dragon Or Scrying/Dressing Room)
Kaomoji / Kawaii Emotion:
Skins/Accent Request:
Custom Items/Genes Request: (If No Request Type No)

Everything Below This Line You Don't Have To Read
Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (290)

Dimmed Genes Haven’t Be Unlocked Yet.





















































  • Emperor Frame (Only Received When Ordering 3 Imperials): |Here|
  • Friendship Bracelet: |Here|

Will Be Accepted On A Case By Case Basis:
| Skin | Accents | Random Patterns |

Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (291)

Last edited on May 29, 2024 18:14:35 by MasqD

Hoping this is open now
I'd like to place an ArcanArt order with @diroxy!

My Name: sm06sm
Art Type: fully lined fullbody + extra character + shaded color + complex background
Cost: 975 levels if I calculated correctly
Notes&Comments: Anubis has colors and a separate uncolored ref. For Lifeline, there is no colored version as of yet so I included the general color guide, if this is something you’d be willing to work with! Would love them interacting in some positive way. They are intended to be a (nonromantic) couple. Maybe the beach/ocean for the background?


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (296)





May 26, 2024 00:30:43

Hoping this is open now
I'd like to place an ArcanArt order with @diroxy!

My Name: sm06sm
Art Type: fully lined fullbody + extra character + shaded color + complex background
Cost: 975 levels if I calculated correctly
Notes&Comments: Anubis has colors and a separate uncolored ref. For Lifeline, there is no colored version as of yet so I included the general color guide, if this is something you’d be willing to work with! Would love them interacting in some positive way. They are intended to be a (nonromantic) couple. Maybe the beach/ocean for the background?

I should not be doing math at 2 am but here I am lmao. The price is right! I'm excited to draw Anubis again! And I'm more than happy to take on Lifeline as well. Robots my beloved.
Go ahead and send to a receiver throughout the week and I'll get started on your lovely boys!


Arcanart: May 26th Art Sales | Flight Rising (299)





May 26, 2024 00:54:22

I should not be doing math at 2 am but here I am lmao. The price is right! I'm excited to draw Anubis again! And I'm more than happy to take on Lifeline as well. Robots my beloved.
Go ahead and send to a receiver throughout the week and I'll get started on your lovely boys!


Xe/Xem | He/Him
+1 FR Time
Exalt and Lore Lair

xxxxStock the Pond
Everbloom UMAs
Arcanart: May 26th 
        Art Sales |
   Flight Rising (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.