Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (2024)

by Amber 17 Comments

A Triple Berry Smoothie is made with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, Greek yogurt, honey and ice for a really quick and refreshing breakfast or snack anytime.

Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (1)

I love smoothies! Breakfast, lunch, snack… heck… sometimes, dinner- I just love them. I almost always use fresh berries for smoothies and can afford to do so because I don’t waste any food. So all those fruits and vegetables that are not eaten at the end of the week, get frozen for convenient smoothies. Either I toss everything in a little ziploc bag or if there are enough berries, I will actually portion out individual bags for smoothies. If you find yourself with any amount of waste from fruits and veggies every week, I recommend trying this out because why throw your money away when you can make a delicious, healthy smoothie out of it?

Don’t have waste? First, let me know your secrets that have your family eating all the healthy stuff and second, you can still totally makes!

Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (2)

Triple Berry Smoothie

Let’s get blending!

Start this Triple Berry Smoothie by washing your fruits, removing the stems slicing the strawberries in half and freezing the berries for a few hours (minimal). Add the fruit to a blender with some Greek yogurt, a pinch of sweetener and ice. Blend for 2 minutes or until smooth and drink up. You can use any sort of sweetener you like, personally I like local honey.


Make it a full meal by adding a scoop of your favorite vanilla or berry flavored protein powder!

Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (3)


Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (4)

Triple Berry Smoothie

★★★★★5 from 6 reviews
  • Author: Amber
  • Yield: 1 serving 1x
Print Recipe


A Triple Berry Smoothie is made with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, Greek yogurt, honey and ice for a really quick and refreshing breakfast or snack anytime.



  • 1/3 cup raspberries (frozen)
  • 1/3 cup blueberries (frozen)
  • 2/3 cup strawberries (frozen)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 2 teaspoons sweetener (recommend honey)


  1. Wash fruits. Remove the stems and cut strawberries in half. Measure out the fruit and place into a ziploc bag. You can make multiple ready-to-blend smoothie bags at once.
  2. Once the berries are frozen, place into the blender with yogurt, honey and ice.
  3. Blend for 2 minutes or until smooth and all the ice has broken up and thinned out.


** You can add a little water or milk as needed if you need to thin out your smoothie.

Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (5)

Love smoothies as much as I do? Also try this popular Strawberry Vanilla Smoothie from here at Simply Made Recipes.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (10)Shannon Moxey

    Hi, the Triple Berry Smoothie is extraordinary


  2. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (11)Nilsa Huffmaster

    I’m glad I found it.
    I’m so happy now! 🙂


  3. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (12)Jess

    Yes! What a delicious looking and sounding smoothie! I would wake up early any day if I knew that this smoothie was in my near future!


  4. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (13)Tammy

    I’m a smoothie lover myself! This looks delicious and refreshing…a perfect start for the New Year!


    • Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (15)Amber

      You can barely taste the protein powder in a smoothie so it is a great way to make a smoothie a full meal.


  5. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (16)Paula Montenegro

    This is one of my favorite morning drinks revamped! I love that you use all berries. I tend to use blueberries only because I always have them frozen. Wonderful recipe, thanks for sharing!


    • Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (17)Amber

      I always have a bunch of blueberries in the freezer also. They just freeze so well.


  6. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (18)Danielle

    I’ve just had a berry smoothie and I thought it was amazing. Little did I know that I could have had a TRIPLE berry smoothie! That would be three times more amazing to say the least! 🙂


  7. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (19)Jen Enoch

    First of all, it looks visually appealing…so pretty and bright. This would be great for a breakfast meal, very filling and I know even my kids would love this in the morning. Great tip about the protein powder.


    • Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (20)Amber

      My kids act like smoothies are desert and get all excited. lol. If I worked out or about to workout, I will put protein powder in it because, why not?


  8. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (21)Amanda Martin

    Yum! I’ve been on a huge smoothie kick lately (iced coffee, banana and protein is my go to, YUM). Will have to try this!


    • Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (22)Amber

      Enjoy Amanada!


  9. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (23)Christa

    I love starting my day with a smoothie. This one looks delicious!


  10. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (24)Cassie

    This looks sooooo yummy!!!!


  11. Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (25)joy abou zeid

    Smoothies are my favorite and this one look so good!!!


    • Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (26)Amber

      I can’t live without them.


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Triple Berry Smoothie - Simply Made Recipes (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.