✈ Trip from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco (2024)

Good to know

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Prices are for flights from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco for 1 adult in Economy. Flight times are based on nonstop flights or flights with the fewest stops available.

Flight information for Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco to help you plan your next trip.

Cheapest round-trip flight£234

United1 stop8 hrAug 31 — Sep 6

The cheapest round-trip flight from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco is currently £234
Cheapest one-way flight£117

United1 stop7 hrSep 4

The cheapest one-way flight from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco is currently £117
Fastest flight4 hr 55 minThe fastest flight with stops from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco takes 4 hr 55 min
Nonstop flightsNoneThere are no direct flights on this route.

When is the cheapest time to fly?

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Typical prices for the least expensive flights for 1-week trips from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco per month. Insights are based on fares observed in the last 12 months. Current prices may differ.

The cheapest month to fly from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco is typically January. The most expensive one is typically June.



Typical prices: £235–395

Most expensive

Typical prices: £285–445

Popular airports near Colonel James Jabara Airport

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Distance and driving time are relative to the city center. Airports are listed based on distance from Colonel James Jabara Airport center and popularity with travelers.

Popular airports near San Francisco

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Distance and driving time are relative to the city center. Airports are listed based on distance from San Francisco center and popularity with travelers.

  • San Francisco International Airport (SFO)

    San Francisco

    18 min

    11 mi

  • San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport (OAK)


    26 min

    11 mi

  • San Jose Mineta International Airport (SJC)

  • Sacramento International Airport (SMF)


    1 hr 35 min

    78 mi

Frequently asked questions about flying from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco

How long does it take to fly from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco?

4 hr 55 min is the shortest flight time from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco.

When are the cheapest days to fly from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco?

The cheapest days to fly are usually in January. Typical prices range from £235 to £395.

Which airlines provide the cheapest flights from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco?

The best round-trip deal recently found on Google Flights from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco was with United from £234. The best one-way deal was with United from £117.

When are direct flights from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco available?

There are no direct flights from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco.

Which airlines have direct flights from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco?

No airline flies direct from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco.

What are the cheapest flights from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco?

The cheapest round-trip flight from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco starts at £234 from Sat, Aug 31 to Fri, Sep 6. The cheapest one-way flight starts at £117 and departs on Wed, Sep 4.

When should you visit San Francisco?

Apr–Dec is when most people visit San Francisco, with crowds peaking in summer. Although average temperatures are higher then, mornings and evenings often have damp, chilly fog. In summer, street fairs and cultural institutions offer free outdoor entertainment. Winter visitors will find the opera and ballet seasons in full swing. Major annual events include Chinese New Year (Feb), Bay to Breakers footrace (May), San Francisco Pride parade and festival (Jun), and San Francisco Fleet Week (Oct).

How do I find cheap dates to fly from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco

It's easy to use Google Flights to find the cheapest days to fly from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco.
Just click the Departure label near the top of the page to open the calendar. Choose a start date and a return date to see how the round-trip fare changes on those specific days.
Adjust the trip type to see one-way fares. The cheapest available flights are highlighted and easy to spot. Once you settle on dates, click the Search button to see flight options and book the deal.

You can also turn on price tracking to get alerts if the price changes for a route or flight.

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Popular trips from Colonel James Jabara Airport

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These suggestions are based on the cheapest fares to popular destinations in the next six months.

Prices include required taxes + fees for 1 adult. Optional charges and bag fees may apply.

  1. Seattle


    Aug 12 — Aug 21

    1 stop6 hr 18 minAmerican

  2. Las Vegas


    Aug 22 — Aug 29

    Nonstop2 hr 33 minAllegiant

  3. Orlando


    Jul 20 — Jul 27

    Nonstop2 hr 42 minAllegiant

  4. Paris


    Nov 17 — Nov 26

    2 stops15 hr 30 minAmerican, British Airways, Iberia

Find flights from Colonel James Jabara Airport to anywhere

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✈ Trip from Colonel James Jabara Airport to San Francisco (2024)


What is the passage from plane to airport? ›

A jet bridge (also termed jetway, jetwalk, airgate, jetty, gangway, aerobridge/airbridge, finger, skybridge, airtube, expedited suspended passenger entry system (E-SPES), or its official industry name passenger boarding bridge (PBB)) is an enclosed, movable connector which most commonly extends from an airport terminal ...

What is the name of the airport you will fly into in San Francisco? ›

San Francisco International Airport (SFO/KSFO)

What is the first step when you get to the airport? ›

Once you enter the airport, the first thing you should do is check in (if you haven't done so already online). Many airlines allow you to check in online 24 hours before your flight.

Which passenger plane flies for 13 hours but lands at the same airport it took off from? ›

A passenger jet that took off from Dubai flew for 13 hours and landed at the same airport after it was forced to turn around in midair. Flight EK448 took off at 10.30am local time on Friday and was supposed to land in Auckland, New Zealand, 16 hours later.

How do you pass through the airport? ›

Top tips for a stress-free airport security experience
  1. Keep Your Eyes and Ears Peeled.
  2. Remove Liquids and Gels Prior to Queuing.
  3. Be Prepared to Remove Those Shoes and Belts.
  4. Separate Any Large Electrical Items.
  5. Check (and Check Again) You Have Collected All of Your Belongings.

What are the steps to travel by plane? ›

Domestic passengers should have an ID card (Aadhaar, driving licence, PAN, voter ID), while international passengers must have their passport. Tickets: Depending upon your airline's policy, bring a hard copy/soft copy of your air ticket. Boarding Pass: For seamless boarding, you must have your boarding pass.

How do I get to San Francisco from the airport? ›

BART is the best way to avoid sitting in Bay Area traffic. Trains depart from the SFO International Terminal, and it's just 30 minutes to downtown San Francisco. Plan your trip with the Trip Planner. The BART station is located in the International Terminal, a short walk from Terminals 1 and 3.

What is the full name of the San Francisco airport? ›

San Francisco International Airport has been operating in the same location since May 27, 1927. The City & County of San Francisco purchased the land in 1930.

What is the largest airport in California? ›

Los Angeles Airport (LAX) is the largest airport in California and millions of passengers pass through its gates every year. One of the world's busiest airports, thousands of flights take off and land annually from Los Angeles International Airport's location on the south coast of California.

What am I supposed to do when I get to the airport? ›

Airport Procedures on Day of Departure (From Departure to Arrival)
  • STEP 1 Airport Procedure. If you use online check-in, there is no need to go to the check-in counter. ...
  • STEP 2 Checking in baggage. ...
  • STEP 3 Security Check. ...
  • STEP 4 Immigration. ...
  • STEP 5 Boarding and Disembarking. ...
  • STEP 6 Immigration. ...
  • STEP 7 Baggage Claim.

How to do a check-in at the airport? ›

In-person at a staffed check-in counter at airport
  1. Passport (when traveling internationally)
  2. Flight information. Paper ticket (less and less common), OR. E-ticket with a confirmation number—usually sent via email if ticket is purchased online or through a travel agency, OR. Printed itinerary with a confirmation number.

What to put in a tray at airport security? ›

Bag screening

Place laptops and large electrical items separately in a tray. Put coins, keys, mobile phones and other small items in your coat or hand baggage. Place your hand baggage and coat into a tray. Place any liquid items (important: see 'Liquids - 100ml rule' above), correctly bagged, into the tray.

Why don't planes fly over night? ›

Night flying restrictions or night-time curfews, including night flight bans, are any regulations or legislation imposed by a governing body to limit the ground-perceived exposure to aircraft noise pollution during the night hours, when the majority of residents are trying to sleep.

What is the longest flight ever direct? ›

At the moment, the world's longest nonstop flight is the route between New York and Singapore. With a calculated distance of 15,349km and almost 19 hours of flying, the route operated by Singapore Airlines is the longest in the world.

Do planes depart all night? ›

Some airlines & airports do have late night/early morning flights. They aren't frequent because many airports shut down at night because of restrictions on flights taking off of landing during certain hours. There is also a decrease in demand for those later flights and they aren't profitable for the airlines.

What is the walkway between the airport and the plane called? ›

A Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) (also known as an air bridge, jet bridge, jetway, and sky bridge as well as by other terms) is an enclosed, elevated passageway which extends from an airport terminal gate to an airplane.

What is the route taken by an airplane called? ›

Airway or flight path

Airway routing occurs along pre-defined pathways called flight paths. Airways can be thought of as three-dimensional highways for aircraft.

What is passage in Aeroplane called? ›

Aisle definitions. ... The definition of an aisle is a passageway between different sections.

How are planes delivered to airports? ›

There is a runway there, of course. The airplanes are assembled in large hangars right at the factory airport, and then the finished plane is flown to wherever the new owner will paint the plane's livery on it, and then the plane begins it's operational lifetime.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.