"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (2024)

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Hon. Jaimie Goodman See Rating Details

Circuit Court
Palm Beach County
15th Circuit
See Comments

Attorney Average Rating: 2.4 - 14 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating: 1.0 - 1 rating(s)
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General Rating Criteria

* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (2)
Not an even number!

What others have said about Hon. Jaimie Goodman


"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (3)Litigant

Comment #: FL9049
Rating:1.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (4)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (5)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (6)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (7)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (8)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (9)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (10)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (11)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (12)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (13)
He has a very poor demeanor, belittles attorneys, and is outright rude, unprofessional, and makes the court experience very unpleasant.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 6/6/2023 6:25:01 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (14)Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL8993
Rating:1.6 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (15)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (16)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (17)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (18)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (19)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (20)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (21)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (22)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (23)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (24)
Zero stars. A miserable experience with a horrible judge. He’s the male version of Diana Lewis. Miserable and belittles lawyers consistently. Please vote against him in the next election

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 4/20/2023 6:46:01 PM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (25)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8900
Rating:1.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (26)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (27)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (28)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (29)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (30)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (31)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (32)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (33)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (34)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (35)
Sat through UMC hearings with this Judge on several occasions and he cannot help but belittle every single attorney before him. He goes out of his way to criticize others. He is ill-tempered, unprepared, and does not understand many of the issues before him.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 2/22/2023 9:57:12 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (36)Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL8864
Rating:1.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (37)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (38)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (39)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (40)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (41)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (42)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (43)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (44)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (45)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (46)
Anyone else believe that Goodman wrote the review dated 10/31/2022?

He completely missed the boat on an attorney fee issue because he was too arrogant to listen to common sense and relevant case law. It’s shameful that the Bar allows this guy to stay on the bench given how he treats people.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 1/25/2023 6:46:43 PM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (47)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8751
Rating:9.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (48)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (49)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (50)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (51)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (52)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (53)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (54)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (55)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (56)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (57)
He is intense and I literally cannot sleep when I am going to go in front of him, but I have to say despite that he applies the law no matter what, shows no favoritism, and will read everything sent to him in detail. After being in front of him many times often getting yelled at, I still would vote for him just because at the end of the day I believe he follows the law and tries to get the right result.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 10/31/2022 7:51:03 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (58)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL7816
Rating:1.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (59)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (60)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (61)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (62)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (63)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (64)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (65)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (66)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (67)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (68)
The rudest, stupidest, nastiest judge by far that I have ever come across in 30 years of practice.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 10/14/2020 7:28:44 PM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (69)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL7241
Rating:2.7 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (70)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (71)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (72)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (73)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (74)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (75)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (76)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (77)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (78)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (79)
Classic example of a judge who has “black robe disease; rude, condescending and belligerent. Attorneys cannot even make their argument in front of him because all he wants to do is talk and try and show he is the smartest guy in the room. There’s a reason he is consistently the lowest rated judge in the county. He’s not fit to be on the bench.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 8/27/2019 10:47:53 PM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (80)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL7101
Rating:1.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (81)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (82)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (83)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (84)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (85)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (86)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (87)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (88)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (89)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (90)
This guy has been on the bench 10 months. Did employment and never tried a jury trial as an attorney. Very mean spirited and goes way out of his way to demean attorneys who appear in front of him. One of the most arrogant judges I have ever seen with no basic common sense. And I just had a motion to withdraw before him.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 5/22/2019 8:41:42 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (91)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL6813
Rating:1.3 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (92)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (93)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (94)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (95)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (96)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (97)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (98)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (99)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (100)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (101)
I'm in his court room right now watching him conduct his calendar. Unbelievably rude and unprofessional. Not fit for service on the bench.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 11/2/2018 7:59:49 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (102)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL6810
Rating:1.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (103)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (104)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (105)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (106)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (107)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (108)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (109)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (110)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (111)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (112)
Most mean spirited judge I have ever dealt with. He is no better that Diana Lewis.
Some people get a little power and it goes to the head like strong drink!

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 10/28/2018 9:16:42 PM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (113)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL6806
Rating:2.1 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (114)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (115)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (116)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (117)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (118)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (119)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (120)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (121)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (122)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (123)
Should be disrobed from his actions on the bench. Truly a disgrace to our wonderful judiciary.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 10/26/2018 11:14:34 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (124)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL6396
Rating:1.1 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (125)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (126)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (127)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (128)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (129)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (130)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (131)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (132)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (133)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (134)
This judge has no judicial temperament and should be removed from the bench. He seems to need to belittle the attorneys in the courtroom to feel better about himself and has zero regard for the attorneys' schedules who appear before him. Apparently numerous people have complained to the chief judge and he was moved around but then sent back because people complained there as well.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 4/30/2018 10:46:59 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (135)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL6046
Rating:1.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (136)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (137)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (138)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (139)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (140)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (141)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (142)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (143)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (144)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (145)
demeaning, rude and causes more conflict in litigation.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 10/24/2017 11:51:12 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (146)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL5967
Rating:6.5 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (147)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (148)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (149)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (150)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (151)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (152)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (153)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (154)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (155)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (156)
This judge is condenscending and demeaning to all attorneys and goes out of his way to shame them in front of their clients. Beware if you have not been in front of him before, as recently I had my first appearance in front of him. His temperament is terrible and he will go out of his way to insult or find a way to criticize the attorneys if possible. Beware of bringing your client with you, as they will be shocked at his demeanor plus think you are an idiot if you do not warn them ahead of time what they are about to expect.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 8/28/2017 11:47:32 AM

"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (157)Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL4519
Rating:3.0 "The Robing Room: FL State Judges (158)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (159)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (160)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (161)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (162)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (163)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (164)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (165)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (166)"The Robing Room: FL State Judges (167)
This guy has been a judge for all of 5 minutes. He is consistently demeaning towards all attorneys in front of him. He must try to flex is "intelligence muscle" (which is sorely lacking) at every chance he gets. It's one thing to be smart and a jerk. It's another when you are not smart. His classic line when he's demeaning a lawyer is when he talks about "all his time on the bench." Again, he's been a judge for 10 months. Definitely the talk of the legal town, but not in a good way.

View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 10/28/2015 1:28:56 PM

"The Robing Room: FL  State Judges (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Views: 6113

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.