How Do You Get the Ancient Forest Raider Ride? A Guide to Unlocking this Exhilarating Mount (2024)

Are you a fan of the popular online role-playing game, World of Warcraft? If so, you’re in for a treat! In this article, we will be diving into the exciting world of mount collecting and specifically focusing on one of the most sought-after rides in the game – the Ancient Forest Raider. This magnificent mount, known for its stunning appearance and unique abilities, is a prestigious addition to any player’s collection. So, if you’re wondering how to unlock and ride this exhilarating creature, look no further. Our guide is here to assist you in your quest!

The Ancient Forest Raider is not your average mount. It is a truly special ride, featuring a mesmerizing design inspired by the ancient forests of Azeroth. But here’s the catch – acquiring this mount is no easy feat. It requires determination, time, and a little bit of luck. In this article, we will break down the steps necessary to obtain this majestic mount, including the challenging tasks, quests, and achievements that await you. So, gear up, polish your skills, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as we unveil the secrets to unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider in World of Warcraft!

Table of Contents

1. Understanding the Ancient Forest Raider Ride: Introduction to the exhilarating mount and its unique features.

The Ancient Forest Raider Ride is an extraordinary mount that offers players a thrilling and unique experience within the game. This subheading will provide an introduction to this exhilarating mount and delve into its exceptional features that make it highly sought after.

The Ancient Forest Raider Ride is a majestic creature that seamlessly blends into its natural environment, allowing players to traverse the ancient forest with ease and style. Its design showcases intricate details, including stunning foliage camouflage and powerful limbs perfectly adapted for agile movements.

One of the most notable features of the Ancient Forest Raider Ride is its ability to navigate challenging terrain effortlessly. It can scale towering trees, leap across wide ravines, and maneuver through dense vegetation, providing players with access to hidden paths and secret areas within the ancient forest.

Additionally, this mount possesses a unique set of skills, such as the ability to camouflage itself, granting players increased stealth and evasion, perfect for avoiding unwanted attention from hostile creatures. It also boasts impressive speed and agility, allowing players to swiftly explore the vast expanses of the ancient forest.

As players unlock the Ancient Forest Raider Ride, they will gain access to an exhilarating and captivating experience, filled with immersive gameplay and the opportunity to uncover hidden treasures within the ancient forest environment. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure atop this extraordinary mount.

Step-by-step Guide to Unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride

Obtaining the Ancient Forest Raider Ride is an exciting and challenging endeavor. This step-by-step guide will provide you with a detailed breakdown of the process involved in unlocking this exclusive mount.

1. Research and Preparation:
– Familiarize yourself with the game world and its lore to understand the significance of the Ancient Forest Raider Ride.
– Determine the specific requirements and prerequisites needed to begin the questline for the mount.

2. Questline Commencement:
– Speak to the designated NPC in the starting area to initiate the questline.
– Follow the instructions provided and complete any preliminary tasks or missions necessary to progress.

3. Resource Gathering:
– Gather the required resources, such as rare herbs, ores, or monster materials, to fulfill the mount’s crafting requirements.
– Explore various locations within the game world to find these resources or trade with other players.

4. Achievements and Quests:
– Fulfill specific in-game achievements or complete related quests to unlock important progress milestones within the questline.
– Pay attention to any hints or clues provided by NPCs, as they can guide you toward these achievements and quests.

5. Collaboration with NPCs:
– Interact with key characters and tribes within the ancient forest area.
– Complete quests or tasks for them to build relationships and gain their support in unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride.

6. Final Trial and Completion:
– Face a challenging final trial, which may involve defeating a powerful boss or solving a complex puzzle.
– Once you triumph over this trial, the Ancient Forest Raider Ride will be unlocked, and you can enjoy the exhilarating mount.

Follow these steps closely, be patient, and make use of the various resources available in-game. With dedication and perseverance, you will soon have the Ancient Forest Raider Ride at your command.

Navigating the Ancient Forest: Exploring the challenges and requirements within the ancient forest area to unlock the mount.

Navigating the ancient forest is a crucial step in unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride. This subheading focuses on the challenges and requirements you need to be aware of when exploring this mysterious and enchanting area.

Firstly, you will encounter various obstacles and puzzles within the ancient forest. These range from treacherous cliffs to hidden paths and intricate mazes. It is essential to stay alert and observant to overcome these challenges.

Additionally, you must be prepared to face powerful creatures and adversaries within the ancient forest. These foes will test your combat skills and strategy. It is advisable to level up your character and acquire necessary weapons and armor to increase your chances of success.

Furthermore, certain quests and missions will be available within the ancient forest area. These quests often involve helping the native inhabitants, unraveling ancient mysteries, or collecting specific items. Completing these quests will contribute to your progress in unlocking the mount.

Lastly, the ancient forest may have specific environmental conditions that require certain abilities or tools to navigate effectively. These can include climbing, swimming, or even using magical artifacts. Your exploration and mastery of the environment will be key to unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride.

Acquiring the Necessary Items: Understanding the resources, quests, and achievements needed to progress towards unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride.

Acquiring the necessary items is a crucial step towards unlocking the thrilling Ancient Forest Raider Ride. This subheading delves into the various resources, quests, and achievements that players need to collect and accomplish in order to progress in their journey.

To begin with, players must gather specific resources scattered throughout the ancient forest. These resources could be rare herbs, animal hides, or ancient artifacts. Players can obtain these resources by exploring different areas, completing side missions, or engaging in battles with formidable creatures. It is essential to create a resource inventory to keep track of the items needed for unlocking the mount.

In addition to gathering resources, players must complete specific quests that are directly linked to unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride. These quests may involve tasks such as rescuing endangered forest creatures, solving ancient puzzles, or battling powerful bosses. Each completed quest brings players closer to obtaining the mount.

Moreover, certain achievements need to be fulfilled to progress in unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride. These achievements may challenge players to reach certain milestones, defeat a certain number of enemies, or discover hidden secrets within the forest. By accomplishing these achievements, players prove their dedication and expertise, thus advancing towards their goal.

In summary, acquiring the necessary items is a vital component of unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride. Players must collect resources, complete quests, and attain achievements to make significant progress in their exhilarating journey.

Building Relationships with Ancient Forest Natives: Cultivating alliances with tribes and characters within the ancient forest to advance towards obtaining the mount.

Cultivating alliances with the tribes and characters within the ancient forest is a crucial step towards unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride. These alliances will not only provide you with valuable information and resources but also help you gain the trust of the forest natives. Here are some tips on how to build relationships with them:

1. Complete side quests: Engaging in side quests offered by the tribes and characters will not only help you understand their culture and values but also show your commitment to their cause. These quests often involve completing tasks, gathering resources, or helping them overcome challenges.

2. Respect their customs: The ancient forest natives have rich traditions and customs. Show respect towards their way of life and follow their cultural practices. This includes observing rituals, participating in festivals, and learning their traditional knowledge.

3. Offer assistance: Be helpful and lend a hand whenever possible. Whether it’s assisting in hunting expeditions, healing the injured, or defending their village from threats, your aid will demonstrate your dedication and earn you their trust.

4. Gift-giving: Presenting the tribes and characters with valuable items or resources they require can strengthen your bond with them. These gifts could range from rare herbs to unique artifacts found within the ancient forest.

By investing time and effort in building relationships with the tribes and characters, you will unlock deeper storylines, secrets, and ultimately pave the way towards earning the Ancient Forest Raider Ride. Remember, building strong alliances is key to your success.

Tips and Strategies for Success: Expert advice and tactics to overcome obstacles and expedite your journey to unlocking the exhilarating Ancient Forest Raider Ride

Unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride can be a challenging and time-consuming task. However, with the right tips and strategies, you can expedite your journey and overcome any obstacles along the way.

Firstly, it is essential to prioritize completing quests and achievements related to the ancient forest area. These tasks often reward you with valuable resources and progression towards unlocking the mount. Make sure to check the quest log regularly and focus on those that offer the most benefits towards your goal.

Additionally, building strong relationships with the ancient forest natives can greatly aid your progress. Take the time to engage in meaningful interactions with tribes and characters within the area. Completing their quests and helping them with their needs not only improves your reputation but also unlocks valuable rewards and opportunities.

A key strategy is to gather the necessary items efficiently. Familiarize yourself with the resources required and their locations within the ancient forest. Plan your routes and prioritize collecting these items to avoid unnecessary backtracking or wasted time.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of teamwork. Collaborating with other players who are also on the quest for the Ancient Forest Raider Ride can be beneficial. Joining guilds or forming a group with like-minded individuals can provide support, guidance, and shared strategies.

By following these tips and strategies, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the exhilarating Ancient Forest Raider Ride in no time. Good luck on your journey!


1. How do I start the quest to unlock the Ancient Forest Raider Ride?

To begin the journey towards unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride, you must first complete a series of prerequisites. Make sure you have reached level 80, completed the main story quest, and obtained the necessary reputation standing with the Forest Elves faction.

2. Where can I find the Forest Elves faction and how can I increase my reputation with them?

The Forest Elves faction can be found in the majestic city of Eldoria. To increase your reputation with them, engage in various activities such as completing quests, participating in faction-specific events, and donating resources or rare items that they value. Regularly interacting with the Forest Elves NPCs will also help you gain reputation points.

3. What challenges will I encounter during the questline?

Unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride is not an easy feat. Throughout the questline, you will face demanding tasks and challenging enemies to test your skills. Be prepared to solve puzzles, defeat powerful creatures, and overcome obstacles in the heart of the ancient forest.

4. Are there any specific mounts or equipment required for the questline?

While the questline itself does not require any specific mounts or equipment, having a reliable and fast mount can help you navigate the large forest area more efficiently. Make sure you have equipped your character with appropriate gear and skills to face the challenging encounters throughout the questline.

5. What are the benefits of unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride?

Upon successfully completing the questline and unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider Ride, you will gain access to a powerful and exhilarating mount. This mount not only provides increased movement speed but also comes with unique abilities that can assist you in combat situations. Its impressive design will undoubtedly make you stand out among other adventurers in the game.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, unlocking the Ancient Forest Raider ride is a thrilling adventure that requires a combination of perseverance, skill, and knowledge. This guide has provided detailed steps to help players navigate through the challenges and obtain this exhilarating mount. From completing various quests to mastering the art of taming wild creatures, players are given the opportunity to immerse themselves in a vibrant fantasy world and experience the sheer excitement of riding the Ancient Forest Raider.

Obtaining the Ancient Forest Raider ride is not a task for the faint-hearted, but the rewards are well worth the effort. This majestic mount not only showcases the player’s dedication and mastery of the game but also adds an element of grandeur to their characters. With its unique abilities and beautiful design, the Ancient Forest Raider ride becomes a prized possession that is sure to turn heads and leave a lasting impression. So, embark on this adventure, sharpen your skills, and unlock the Ancient Forest Raider to truly enhance your gaming experience.

How Do You Get the Ancient Forest Raider Ride? A Guide to Unlocking this Exhilarating Mount (2024)


How Do You Get the Ancient Forest Raider Ride? A Guide to Unlocking this Exhilarating Mount? ›

The first thing Hunters need to do to unlock the Raider Ride is befriend all other Grimalkyne Tribes in the game, which is how players can go about unlocking each of the Palico gadgets.

How to get a Wulg ride? ›

Go to camp and talk to your Palico three times. They should announce that they've learned the trick to taming Wulg from your new Boaboa friends. That will unlock Raider Ride in the Hoarfrost Reach. You can activate Raider Ride from the command menu on the bottom right or the radial menu.

How to unlock the Raider Ride in Hoarfrost Reach? ›

Hunt a large monster in front of them and more scouts will show up to give you a hand. After the monster is defeated, head to the southern camp in Hoarfrost Reach. They'll ask you to follow them to the Hot Springs, and from there you'll jump on to the Wingdrake and fly to their camp location.

How to trigger Iceborne DLC? ›

To unlock Iceborne's content, you'll need to clear the main questline of the core game, including the Land of Convergence finale. This gives you access to Master Rank and triggers the story introduction to Iceborne.

How to get Raider Ride in Elder Recess? ›

for elder recess, the grimalkyne told me that if i find a mountable monster it will help me capture it. To use raider rides, you must own the Iceborne expansion, and befriend the grimalkyne of that specific locale. After doing so, speak with your palico and exhaust any dialogue they may have.

Can you befriend the Boaboa? ›

In order to even have a chance to befriend the Boaboa, you will need to be friends with all the other cat tribes first.

How to unlock Raider Ride ancient forest? ›

You need to befriend the locale's tribe to unlock raider rides. The instant you do that, and return to camp so your cat can tell you it has learned the language of the small monster of that locale, that's when you can call in raider rides.

How to befriend bugtrappers? ›

You will have to befriend the Bugtrapper Tribe in the Ancient Forest.
  1. First, you will have to find and collect the Grimalkyne's doodles around the Ancient Forest.
  2. Once the gauge is filled, start a solo expedition in camp 17 and head to the Bugtrapper tribe's camp, marked on the map below.
Jan 26, 2018

What is the weakness of the Beotodus? ›

Being an ice monster, the Beotodus is weak to fire (⭐️⭐️⭐️). If you don't have access to a good fire weapon, try to use thunder (⭐️⭐️). Avoid water (⭐️) if you can. And you're better off using a non-elemental weapon if you only have access to dragon or ice.

How to ride tailraiders? ›

You cannot directly control your Tailraider. By default, your Rider Ride will follow traces, but you can also open up the wildlife map and assign a specific target or destination. Monsters grow tired if you ride them too much.

What is the final boss of Monster Hunter World? ›

Xeno'Jiiva is Monster Hunter World's final boss and the last monster you'll face in the main story. Elsewhere, our Monster Hunter World tips can help you decide when to get, what to forage and what to do between hunts, and our Monster Hunter World walkthrough and guide can help with main quest and story progress.

Where can I find a feisty fiver? ›

To start sure you have the latest patch installed - you know you have when you're visited with patch notes upon loading that explain the game's various differences - then head to the Asteria hub. From there, talk to the Feisty Fiver at the start of the departure gate to start the opening quest in the Ancient Forest.

How do I increase my HR in Iceborne? ›

Your hunter rank will first increase as you complete "assigned" quests and expeditions. Then once your hunter rank has reached a certain level, it can be further increased by successfully completing quests and accumulating hunter rank points.

How to get Boaboa tailraider? ›

How to start the Boaboa questline in Monster Hunter World. In order to get them to help, you will have needed to complete the Gajalaka and Grimalkyne Tailraider quests from Monster Hunter World. Then, you will have to start Iceborne and reach the new Hoarfrost Reach area proper by beating Beotodus.

How to get meowcano? ›

How to get Meowcano. This Palico gadget is obtained by levelling the Gajalaka palico equipment past level 10.

What are the Gajalaka? ›

Like many Lynians, Gajalaka are short humanoids. They resemble Shakalaka more than Felynes or Grimalkynes, lacking any fur and wearing large tribal masks which leave only their bright yellow eyes visible, similar to Jawas.

How to get Wulg thickfur? ›

Very rare Wulg material. Obtained by carving.

How to get cultural exchange hoarfrost reach? ›

As you hunt the monster, you'll notice the Boaboa start to gather, and after the hunt instruct you to head back to the southernmost camp in Area 1. Head over and they will invite you to their lair. Doing this will complete Cultural Exchange: Hoarfrost Reach.

How to have a ride in MHW? ›

You gain access to Raider Rides, also called Tailraider Monsters, once you befriend a lot of Grimalkyne tribes. For each tribe, a new Raider Ride is unlocked, which your Palico can befriend and battle with you.

How to ride Monster in Monster Hunter World? ›

How to mount a monster
  1. Find a way to launch yourself into the air (by running off a high ledge, for instance)
  2. Attack the monster's body, head, or tail while airborne (weapon dependent, but Circle / B, Triangle / Y or the right trigger)
  3. If successful, you will initiate a mount.
Aug 14, 2018

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